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Sheerin, Dr Corina
Assistant Professor in Finance (Room 2.21)
01 449 8655
Key Responsibilities at NCI
Programme Director MSc in Finance
Programme Director Higher Diploma in Business in Finance
Member of Academic Council (National College of Ireland 2007 - Present)
Postgraduate Doctoral Degree (PhD): Conferred 2014, Department of Statistics, University of Dublin, Trinity College.
Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics: Conferred 2008 Trinity College, Dublin.
MA in Economics and Finance: Conferred 1999 NUI Maynooth, County Kildare.
BA in Economics and Finance (Mathematics): Conferred 1998 NUI Maynooth, County Kildare.
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Academic Experience
National College of Ireland
Lecturer in Finance/ MSc in Finance Programme Director (January 2005 - Present)
Subject Head (Accounting, Finance and Economics) (January 2009 - February 2011)
NCI Acting Subject Head (Management, Marketing and Law) (May - December 2009)
Dublin Business School
Lecturer in Quantitative Analysis (January 2002 - December 2004)
Industrial Experience
Assistant Fund Manager, Pioneer Investment Management Ltd. (July 1999 - 2002)
Research Interests
Gender Segregation in Investment Management
Female Labour Supply
Work-Life Balance
Editorial Activity
Editorial Reviewer: Gender in Management: An International Journal, Irish Academy of Management (2016 - Present)
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Postgraduate Research (2012-2013)
Funding and Prizes
Title of Prize: Literati Emerald Best Full Paper Award (2017). Awarding Body: British Academy of Management (BAM): Gender in Management Track
Submission: Sheerin, C. and Linehan, M. (2017) "Gender Performativity and Hegemonic Masculinity", British Academy of Management, Warwick, UK, September 2017.
Title of Prize: Awarded the Alan Moon Prize (2016) at 17th International Conference on Human Resource Development and Practice across Europe. Awarding Body: University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD)
Submission: Hughes, C. and Sheerin, C. (2016) "Reflections on the relationship between Mentoring and Gender: Investment Management versus Human Resource Management", UFHRD, June 2016, Manchester.
Title of Project: PhD Doctoral Research (2010). Funding Body: Irish Accounting and Finance Association (IAFA)
Title of Project: PhD Doctoral Research (2010). Funding Body: National College of Ireland (NCI) President's Award
Professional Body Membership
Chartered Financial Analyst Association (CFA)
Irish Accounting and Finance Association (IAFA)
Irish Academy of Management
Research Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Garavan, Thomas N., Sheerin, Corina, Koukpaki, Serge, O'Brien, Fergal, Chami-Malaeb, Rola, MacKenzie, Clíodhna and Buckley, Joan (2023)
"Strategic talent management in hotels during COVID-19: upper echelons and dynamic attention-based perspectives"
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35 (8). pp. 2728-2754. ISSN 0959-6119
Sheerin, Corina and Linehan, Margaret (2023)
Everyone should have a wife’ – extreme work, eldercare, and the gendered academy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic"
International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 1466-4399
Sheerin, Corina and Brittain, Jonathan (2023)
"Irish apprenticeships in financial services: negotiating gender and navigating social justice"
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. ISSN 2042-3896
Sheerin, Corina and Garavan, Thomas (2022)
"Female leaders as ‘Superwomen’: Post-global financial crisis media framing of women and leadership in investment banking in UK print media 2014–2016"
Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 86. ISSN 10452354. DOI: 10.1016/
Sheerin, Corina, Hughes, Caitriona and Garavan, Thomas (2020)
"Gendered practices and tacit knowledge sharing in organizations: a structuration perspective"
. Human Resource Development International. ISSN 1469-8374. DOI: 10.1080/13678868.2020.1769402
Kelly, Michelle E., Loughrey, David G., McHugh Power, Joanna E., McEvoy, Claire, Sheerin, Corina and Pennie, Brian (2019)
"The Impact of Adherence to the Traditional Mediterranean Diet and Sex Differences on Global Cognitive Functioning: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis"
. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement. ISSN 2509-3304. DOI: 10.1007/s41465-019-00143-6
Sheerin, Corina and Linehan, Margaret (2018)
"Gender performativity and hegemonic masculinity in investment management"
. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 33 (7). pp. 561-576. ISSN 1754-2413.
Sheerin, Corina and Hughes, Caitriona (2018)
"Gender-segregated labour spaces and social
capital – does context matter?"
European Journal of Training and Development. ISSN 2046-9012. DOI: 10.1108/EJTD-07-2017-0058
Hanly, Paul and Sheerin, Corina (2017)
"Valuing Informal Care in Ireland: Beyond the Traditional Production Boundary"
. The Economic and Social Review, 48 (3). pp. 337-364. ISSN 0012-9984.
(IF: 0.52)
Hughes, Caitriona and Sheerin, Corina (2016)
"Reflections on the Relationship Between Mentoring, Female Development and Career Progression: Investment Management Versus Human Resource Management"
. International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy & Research, 1 (2). pp. 41-54. ISSN 2397-4583.
Sheerin, Corina (2015)
"The (She) Wolf of Wall Street: Myth or Reality"
. Accounting, Finance & Governance Review, 22 (2). pp. 19-46. ISSN 2009-8766.
Sheerin, Corina (2013)
"Destiny or 'Choice': Women in Investment Management - Why so Few?"
Irish Journal of Management, 32 (2). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1649-248X.
Book Chapters
Simpson, A., Sheerin, Corina and Hurley, V. (2023)
"Giving Shape to Finance and the City of London: Permissive Regulation and Minimalist Governance"
In: Combating Financial Crime: Global and National Trends. Springer. (In Press)
Sheerin, Corina (2020)
"Banking on Masculinity: Social Closure in the Irish Investment Management sector"
. In: Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender: Power, production and practice in contemporary Ireland. UCD Press, Belfield, Dublin 4. ISBN 9781910820544. (In Press)
Sheerin, Corina (2011)
"Choice or pre-determined path? Women in investment management - Why so few?"
In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance. Academic Publishing, Reading, UK, pp. 515-523. ISBN 9781908272164.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Sheerin, Corina and Whitston, Colin (2018)
"Equality, Equity and Gendered Spaces in the Irish Labour Market: Investment Management and Retail"
. In: WEI Fourth Biennial Fairness at Work Conference 2018, 10th-11th September 2018, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Sheerin, Corina (2018)
"Gender Performativity and Organisational Culture: Negotiating Difference in Investment Management"
. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2018, 4th-6th September 2018, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, UK.
Sheerin, Corina (2018)
"Intra-Gender Dynamics and Gendered Spaces"
. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference 2018", 3rd-5th September 2018, Cork University Business School, University College Cork, Cork.
Sheerin, Corina (2018)
"Accessing the glittering prizes: Gender and entry to investment management in Ireland"
. In: 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, 20th-22nd August 2018, Trinity College, Dublin.
Sheerin, Corina (2018)
"Organizational Practices, Gender Performance and Disruptions: An Exploratory Study"
. In: Thinking Gender Justice: First Annual Conference of UCD Centre for Gender, Feminisms and Sexualities, 22nd-24th May 2018, Centre for Gender, Feminisms and Sexualities (GCFS), UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.
Sheerin, Corina (2017)
"An Examination of Gendered Media Representations of Financial Market Participants 2009 and Beyond"
. In: Challenging Gendered Media Mis(s)Representations of Women Professionals & Leaders: ESRC Funded Seminar Series 2014-2017, 15th June 2017, Goodenough College, London, England.
Sheerin, Corina and Hughes, Caitriona (2017)
"Gender Segregated Labour Spaces and Social Capital - Does Context Matter?"
In: 18th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe, 7th-9th June 2017, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal.
Sheerin, Corina and Bane, Deirdre (2017)
"Political Narrative and Personality Traits - Trumped from the Start?"
In: 20th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2017, 30th August - 1st September 2017, Queen’s Management School, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast.
Sheerin, Corina and Linehan, Margaret (2017)
"Gender Performativity and Hegemonic Masculinity: The Irish Investment Management Sector"
. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2017: Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social sciences, 5th-7th September 2017, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK.
Sheerin, Corina (2016)
"Women in Irish Investment Management - An Exploration of Social Closure Theory as an Explanatory Criterion"
. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2016: Thriving in Turbulent Times, 6th-8th September 2016, Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK.
Sheerin, Corina (2016)
"Gender, Mathematics Self Efficacy and Career Progression within Investment Management"
. In: 19th Annual Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education Conference, 7th-10th July 2016, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York, USA.
Sheerin, Corina (2016)
"Career Choice, Media Portrayal and Investment Management"
. In: 9th Biennial Gender, Work and Organisation Conference, 28th June - 1st July 2016, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire, UK.
Hughes, Caitriona and Sheerin, Corina (2016)
"Reflections of the relationship between Mentoring and Gender: Investment Management versus Human Resource Management"
. In: 17th International Conference on Human Resource Development and Practice across Europe, 9th-10th June 2016, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.
Sheerin, Corina (2015)
"Antecedents of Women's Exit from Investment Management"
. In: Irish Accounting and Finance Conference, 14th-15th May 2015, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin.
Sheerin, Corina (2015)
"Women in Irish Investment Management - An Exploration of Social Closure Theory as an Explanatory Criterion"
. In: 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 25th-28th August 2015, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sheerin, Corina (2015)
"Career Choice, Media Portrayal and Investment Management"
. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference 2015, 8th-10th September 2015, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK.
Sheerin, Corina (2014)
"Potential entrants to Investment Management: What's Important? What's Different?"
In: Gender, Work and Organisation Conference, 24th-26th June 2014, Keele University, Keele, United Kingdom.
Sheerin, Corina (2014)
"The 'She' Wolf of Wall Street - Myth or Reality"
. In: Irish Accounting and Finance Conference and Doctoral Colloquium, 29th-30th May 2014, Queen’s University, Belfast.
Sheerin, Corina (2011)
"Explaining structural influences on educational and career "choice" of women in Investment Management"
. In: 14th Annual Irish Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium 2011, Dublin City University.
Sheerin, Corina (2011)
"How gender influences educational and occupational choice in Investment Management"
. In: Irish Accounting and Finance Doctoral Colloquium 2011, UCC, Cork.
Sheerin, Corina (2010)
"Level playing field or old boys' network: An exploratory study of gender segregation within investment management in Ireland"
. In: Irish Accounting and Finance Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Belfast.
Sheerin, Corina (2009)
"Financial Services - Level playing field or old boys' network"
. In: 12th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference and Doctoral Colloquium, University College Galway.
Commissioned Report
Linehan, Margaret and Sheerin, Corina (2023)
"The Black Ceiling: Employment Experiences of Women of Colour in Southwest Ireland [Report]"
Munster Technological University, Cork, Ireland.
Sheerin, Corina and Whitston, Colin (2015)
"Performance Related Management and Pay in Ulster bank: a report of a survey of IBOA members"
. Management Report. Irish Bank Officers Association, Dublin.
Book Reviews and Media Contributions
Parkin M. (2016) Economics
Murray, R. (2009) How to write a thesis, McGraw Hill
Fischer, M. (2009) Investment Analysis, Wiley
Publications Contributor to Sunday Tribune, Postgrad
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