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Barone, Dr Gaia
Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance (Room 2.25)
01 449 8641
Key Responsibilities at NCI
Chair of "Derivatives and Risk management" and "Economics"
PhD in Money an Finance at "Tor Vergata" University of Rome, Rome, October 2007 - July 2011. Dissertation: "An Equity-Based Credit Risk Model". Supervisor: Prof. Domenico Cuoco (Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania). Final mark: outstanding. Graduation date: July 22, 2011.
MSc in Financial Mathematics at Stanford University - Departments of Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Management Science & Engineering, Graduate School of Business, Stanford, 2008-2009. Overall GPA 3.8 out of 4.0 (13 courses, 36 units). Graduation date: June 14, 2009.
MSc in Economics and Finance, "Luiss - Guido Carli", Rome, 2005-7. No. of exams: 16. Av. mark: 30/30 (4 cum laude). Thesis: "Arbitrages and Arrow-Debreu Prices" (Advisor: Prof. Gennaro Olivieri). Degree's final mark: 110 cum laude. Graduation date: July 26, 2007.
BSc in Economics of Capital Markets and Financial Intermediaries, "Luiss-Guido Carli", Rome, 2002-5. No. of exams: 28. Av. mark: 29.9 (10 cum laude). Thesis: "Arbitrages and Garman's Algebra" (Advisor: Prof. Gennaro Olivieri). Degree's final mark: 110 cum laude. Graduation date: July 18, 2005.
Academic Experience
Chair, Quantitative Methods of Management, "Luiss - Guido Carli" University, Rome, 2017-8.
Chair, Financial Mathematics, "Luiss - Guido Carli", University, Rome, 2015-8.
Chair, Advanced Financial Mathematics, "Luiss - Guido Carli", Rome, 2014-8.
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Methods for Economics, "Luiss - Guido Carli" University, Rome, 2014-8.
Adjunct Professor, Advanced Financial Mathematics, "Luiss - Guido Carli", Rome, 2013-4.
Research Fellow, "Structural Models for Credit Risk Management", "Luiss - Guido Carli", Ome, 2013-4.
Adjunct Professor, Economics and Credit Institutions, "Luiss - Guido Carli", Rome, 2012-3.
Honors and Awards
"DIM Luiss-Guido Carli" 3-year Research Fellowship on "Structural Model ..." (€19,000 p.a.), 2013-5;
"DEF Luiss-Guido Carli" 1-year Research Fellowship on "Systemic Risk ..." (€19,000), 2012;
Final mark "outstanding", PhD in Mondy and Finance, Università degli Studi de Roma "Tor Vergata", 2011;
"Angelo Costa" thesis prize, 2008;
"Luiss-Guido Carli" scholarship for graduate studies abroad (€25,000), 2008;
"Oddone Fantini" thesis prize (€2,200), 2008;
3rd-8th rank in the competition for "Giorgio Mortara" scholarships (Bank of Italy) 2008-9 and 2009-10;
3rd-8th rank in the competition for "Giovanna Crivelli" scholarships (Unicredit), 2008-9;
Highest Honors in Economics and Finance, MSc (magna cum laude and special mention), Luiss, 2007;
"Assiom" thesis prize (€500), 2006;
"Marco Fanno" thesis prize (€1,000), 2006;
Highest Honor in Economics, BSc (magna cum laude), "Luiss - Guido Carli" University of Rome, 2005.
Erasmus Scholarship, "Luiss - Guido Carli" University of Rome, 2004-5.
Dr Gaia Barone is Lecturer in Economics and Finance, and Chair of "Derivatives and Risk Management" and "Economics" at National College of Ireland.
Her current research interest is on Credit Risk Models.
She has been Assistant Professor in "Mathematical Methods for Economics", and Chair of "Financial Mathematics" and "Quantitative Methods for Management" at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome (2014-8), Research Fellow in "Structural Models for Credit Risk Management" (2013-4), Chair of "Advanced Financial Mathematics" (2014-7), Adjunct Professor of "Advanced Financial Mathematics" (2013-4), and Adjunct Professor of "Economics and Credit Institutions" (201203) at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome.
In July 2011, she received her Ph.D. in Money and Finance (final mark: outstanding) from "Tor Vergata" University of Rome, with a dissertation on "An Equity-Based Credit Risk Model" (Supervisor: Prof. Domenico Cuoco - Wharton).
In June 2009, she received her MSc in Financial Mathematics (GPA 3.8 out of 4.0) from Stanford University, with a scholarship by LUISS Guido Carli (€25,000).
In July 2007 and July 2005, she received from LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome her MSc in Economics and Finance (Summa Cum Laude with Special Mention, average mark 30.0/30 - 4 cum laude), with a thesis on "Arbitrages and Arrow-Debreu Prices" (Advisor: Prof. Gennaro Olivieri), and her BSc in Economics of Capital Markets and Financial Intermediaries (Summa Cum Laude, average mark 29.9/30 - 10 cum laude), with a thesis on "Arbitrages and Garman's Algebra" (Advisor: Prof. Gennaro Olivieri). In 2004-2005 she was an Erasmus student at Cass Business School, City University (London).
She was awarded three thesis prizes (the "Oddone Fantini" Prize in 2008, the "Marco Fanno" Prize in 2006, the "Assiom" Prize in 2006).
She has written two books on Arbitrages, has published in international journals of economics and finance (e.g.
Journal of Derivatives
and Rivista di Politica Economica), and has contributed to a book on Derivatives - Securities Pricing and Modelling.
Research Interests
Credit Risk Models
Professional Body Membership
Aspen Institute - Aspen Junior Fellow (AJF), from 2016.
Stanford Alumni Network, from 2009.
Modules Taught
"Derivatives and Risk Management"
Research Publications
Journal Articles
Barone, Gaia (2021)
"Explaining Credit Ratings through a Perpetual-Debt Structural Model"
. Journal of Credit Risk, 17 (2). ISSN 1755-9723.
Barone, Gaia (2018)
"Replication of credit ratings by a Perpetual-Debt Structural Model"
. Bancaria, 74 (5). pp. 24-40.
Barone, Gaia (2013)
"European Compound Options Written on Perpetual American Options"
. The Journal of Derivatives, 20 (3). pp. 61-74. ISSN 2168-8524.
Barone, Gaia (2008)
"Arbitrages and Arrow-Debreu Prices"
. Rivista di Politica Economica, 98 (6). pp. 43-78.
Book Chapters
Barone, Gaia (2012)
"An Equity-Based Credit Risk Model"
. In: Derivative Securities Pricing and Modelling. Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis (94). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 351-378. ISBN 9781780526164.
Barone, Gaia, Fersini, Paola, Forte, Salvatore, Melisi, Giuseppe and Olivieri, Gennaro (2017)
"Previdenza complementare: Proiezioni di lungo periodo nell’ottica dell’analisi di sostenibilità"
. LUISS University Press, Roma. ISBN 9788868560942.
Barone, Gaia (2012)
"Arbitraggi e algebra di Garman"
. CreateSpace. ISBN 9781481034449.
Barone, Gaia (2012)
"Arbitraggi e prezzi Arrow-Debreu"
. CreateSpace. ISBN 9781481051231.
Conference Papers
Barone, Gaia (2018)
"Mimicking Credit Ratings by a Perpetual-Debt Structural Model"
. In: 10th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society, 16th-20th July 2018, Trinity College, Dublin.
Barone, Gaia (2016)
"Mimicking Credit Ratings by a Perpetual-Debt Structural Model"
. In: 7th World Finance Conference, 29th-21st July 2016, St John's University, New York City, USA.
Barone, Gaia (2014)
"Equity Options, Credit Default Swaps and Leverage: A Simple Stochastic-Volatility Model For Equity and Credit Derivatives"
. In: World Finance Conference, 2nd-4th July 2014, Ca` Foscari University, Venice, Italy.
Barone, Gaia (2014)
"Equity Options, Credit Default Swaps and Leverage: A simple Stochastic-Volatility Model For Equity and Credit Derivatives"
. In: 23rd EFMA Conference, 25th-28th June 2014, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy.
Barone, Gaia (2012)
"Equity Options, Credit Default Swaps and Leverage"
. In: XXI International Conference on Money, Banking and Finance, 10th-11th December 2012, CASMEF – LUISS, University LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy.
Barone, Gaia (2012)
"Un modello à la Leland per l'analisi del rischio di credito"
. In: Seminar, 16th April 2012, Centro Arcelli per gli Studi Monetari e Finanziari (CASMEF), University LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy.
Research Papers
Barone, Gaia (2017)
"Deleveraging CAPM: Asset Betas vs. Equity Betas"
. In: European Financial Management Association 2017 Annual Conference, 28th June - 1st July 2017, Deree – The American College of Greece, Athens, Greece.
Barone, Gaia (2016)
"Mimicking Credit Ratings by a Perpetual-Debt Structural Model"
. In: 7th World Finance Conference, 29th-21st July 2016, St John's University, New York City, USA.
Barone, Gaia (2011)
"Equity options, credit default swaps e leverage: un semplice modello a volatilità stocastica per i derivati azionari e creditizi"
. In: Working Paper no. 5: CASMEF Working Paper Series, June 2011, Arcelli Centre for Monetary and Financial Studies, Department of Economics and Business, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy.
Barone, Gaia (2011)
"Equity Options, Credit Default Swaps and Leverage: A Simple Stochastic-Volatility Model for Equity and Credit Derivatives"
. May 2011. Available at:
Barone, Gaia (2011)
"Opzioni su azioni e obbligazioni nel modello di Leland"
. April 2011.
Barone, Gaia (2011)
"Equity Options and Bond Options in the Leland Model"
. March 2011. Available at:
Barone, Gaia (2011)
"Opzioni Europee Composte scritte su Opzioni Americane Perpetue"
. In: March 2011.
Barone, Gaia (2008)
"Index Options as Compound Options on Assets"
. April 2008.
Barone, Gaia (2007)
"Separare la Rete?"
May 2007.
Barone, Gaia (2007)
"I have a DRM"
. May 2007.
Barone, Gaia (2006)
"Target the Two"
. May 2006.
Barone, Gaia (2005)
"Probability of Default"
. May 2005.
Barone, Gaia (2005)
"Fed funds futures"
. February 2005.
Barone, Gaia (2004)
"The Many Facets of Risk"
. November 2004.
Barone, Gaia (2004)
"The Singling out of the Chinese Renminbi"
. November 2004.
Research Projects
Banking Irregularities, Luiss Valore, from 2016;
Analysis of the Market of Compulsory Third-Party Insurance for Sector V, Confindustria (Associazione Nazionale Ciclo Motociclo Accessori), 2013-4;
Supplementary Pension Plans, Ministry of Economy and Finance, 2010-4.
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