National College of Ireland President Gina Quin
As President of National College of Ireland (NCI) I am delighted to endorse the NCI Athena Swan Bronze Action Plan on behalf of the Governing Body and Senior Management Team of the College. I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of Athena Swan and the wider equality agenda, including the HEA anti-racism principles, signed in June 2023.
NCI is an independent, not-for-profit institution that uniquely within the Irish Higher Education sector, has clear focus on providing access to higher education and skills development that are closely aligned to enterprise. The College has a diverse student body, with CAO students who are often the first in their family to attend third level, those from areas of socio-economic disadvantage, those returning to study to update their skills, or ‘second chance’ learners returning to education while working. NCI’s student population reflects the diverse population of the inner and north city areas of Dublin, both economically and ethnically, a profile also reflected in the diversity of our academic and professional staff.
NCI has developed extensive expertise in supporting non-traditional students into higher education through innovative programmes, such as P-TECH (Pathways in Technology), professional apprenticeships and the Discover University programme. The College has an ethos of ‘meeting the learner where they are’ and provides flexibility in delivery of learning though significant part-time and online programme provision. NCI’s flagship Early Learning Initiative (ELI) addresses educational disadvantage among families and children in marginalized communities in Dublin and around Ireland, focused in areas of significant economic disadvantage. To support staff working in this area, NCI has developed a suite of programmes in early education, home visiting and supervision.
NCI has embedded its commitment to equality in the Strategic Plan 2022-2027, with a clear objective to measure, celebrate and support equality, diversity, inclusion and sustainability. The implementation of this objective is closely monitored by our Governing Body and Executive Team. Our EDI agenda is driven by our Vice President Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Senior Management Team members also chair our wider EDI work.
I am delighted to confirm that since achieving our first Athena Swan award we have made considerable progress in our 2020-2024 action plan. These include the development of remote and hybrid working methodologies; the Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment Framework; the achievement of an autism friendly campus accreditation, the creation of a sensory room for students and staff, the provision of training in unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, consent and disability in the workplace, the implementation of a SU strategic partnership, and specific initiatives including the menopause workplace guide, Irish Centre for Diversity bronze award (May 23) and Brigit’s Basket (the provision of free period products for all in NCI, February 2022). It would be remiss not to mention that the College also purchased and refurbished a new Campus building adjacent to the main campus, which has greatly enhanced our teaching and learning experience for both students and staff.
I am particularly proud of the work that our Self-Assessment Team (SAT) has undertaken in preparing our application and the development of the new 2024-2029 action plan. This consultative and reflective process has identified areas where further progress is required. Key priorities identified include, developing an EDI strategy, embedding EDI practice in curriculum development and review, progressing anti-racist policy and practice, developing our autism campus initiative and data collection.
I can confirm the commitment of our Governing Body and Senior Management Team to our new 2024-2029 Action Plan, which we have ensured is both ambitious and achievable. NCI will continue to work towards embedding our completed actions and developing an intersectional and coherent approach to all equality issues.
Gina Quin
President of National College of Ireland