What is the CINNTE Institutional Quality Review

CINNTE Institutional Review refers to an evaluation conducted by QQI, of the quality of each Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Ireland. Reviews are performed by an external Review Team to assess the effectiveness of an institution's internal quality assurance and enhancement procedures for education, training, research, governance, and services. The goal is to ensure that the institution meets the agreed-upon sectoral quality standards which are aligned with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.

Internal NCI Staff CINNTE SharePoint site:

CINNTE - SharePoint

Institutional Review: Purposes

  • To encourage a quality culture and the enhancement of the learning environment and experience within institutions.
  • To support systems-level improvement of the quality of higher education.
  • To encourage quality by using evidence-based, objective methods and advice. To improve public confidence in the quality of independent/ private providers by promoting transparency and public awareness.
  • To provide feedback to institutions about institution-wide quality and the impact of mission, strategy, governance and management on quality and the overall effectiveness of their quality assurance.  

Institutional Review: Objectives

  • To encourage a quality culture and the enhancement of the learning environment and experience within institutions.
  • To improve public confidence in the quality of independent/ private providers by promoting transparency and public awareness.
  • To support systems-level improvement of the quality of higher education.
  • To encourage quality by using evidence-based, objective methods and advice.
  • To provide feedback to institutions about institution-wide quality and the impact of mission, strategy, governance and management on quality and the overall effectiveness of their quality assurance.  

Why is the CINNTE Institutional Quality Review Important to NCI

The CINNTE Institutional Review is an opportunity for NCI: 

  • Continuous development and implementation of QIE supporting NCI in achieving its strategic ambitions.
  • Explore Quality and Quality Assurance frameworks within NCI.
  • Demonstrate education, training, research, governance and services in line with NCI’s policy and procedures.
  • Ensure a positive review maintaining NCI status as an institution of learning, positively impacting the student learner experience.
  • Self-reflection, self-evaluation and analysis of policies and processes across NCI, identifying potential areas of improvement.

How is NCI managing the preparation of CINNTE?

The College has an internal management structure to oversee the preparation of our submissions to the CINNTE process and approve the final submissions.

The Executive Group (EG) acts as a Steering Group for the CINNTE project. With the support of the Academic Council, the Executive Group will recommend the final versions of the following documents to the Governing Body (GB), for approval prior to submission to QQI:

  • (CINNTE) Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER)
  • (CINNTE) Institutional Profile (IP)

A CINNTE Advisory Group has been established. Through the Director of QIE or the Registrar, this group reports to each scheduled Executive Group meeting on the progress of the work. It will seek direction/instruction from EG on specific aspects of the work, as needed, and will propose draft versions of individual chapters or sections within the above documents, for review and approval. It will advise on how best to undertake consultation with staff, students and external stakeholders. Students, staff and stakeholders are encouraged to participate in the process within their faulty/department and are encouraged to contribute through surveys, workshops and submission of case studies.  

The Director of QIE, Patricia Maguire, is responsible for developing and monitoring the overall CINNTE project plan. The project requires a process of consultation with staff, students and others and the drafting of document chapters and case studies, prior to GB approval and submission of the documents to QQI. The process then continues towards the Institutional Review panel's visit to NCI and their Report and NCI's subsequent Response and follow-up Action Plan.

The Registrar, Karen Jones, working with Patricia and the EG members, will lead the NCI submission.

CINNTE Advisory Group

CINNTE Reporting Structure at NCI

Click here to enlarge image.

  • Registrar, Karen Jones (Chair)
  • Vice-Dean (UG), School of Business: Dr Danielle McCartan-Quinn
  • Vice-Dean (PG and Research): Dr April Hargreaves
  • Vice-Dean, School of Computing, Dr Christina Hava Muntean
  • Nominee of the Director of CELL: Dr Michael Goldrick
  • Director of Student Registry: Niamh McAuley
  • Head of Communications: Teresa Murray
  • President of the Student's Union (2023-4: Eimear Annesley)
  • Director of QIE; Patricia Maguire (overall Project Manager for CINNTE and DA application process) 

Co-opted member, as required and with approval of the Executive.

(The secretariat for the group is provided by the QIE office)

What needs to be done and by when for the CINNTE Institutional Quality Review

Important milestones for CINNTE Institutional Review are:

  • Submission of the Institutional Profile (IP) to QQI is the 31st of May 2024 under the oversight of Programme Lifecycle Manager  Shauni Hegarty who holds the position of project manager. The (IP) introduces NCI to the Review Team and will be the first document they read. 
  • Submission of a Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) to QQI is on the 26th of August 2024 under the oversight of the QIE Director Patricia Maguire. This forms the basis of the CINNTE Institutional Review. 
  • A Review Team site visit will take place 2nd - 4th of December 2024. The purpose of the visit is for the Review Team to meet with students, staff, and stakeholders to discuss and consider ISER, providing feedback and recommendations post-visit. 
  • NCI response and necessary action.

CINNTE Reporting Structure at NCI

Click here to enlarge image.

The Institutional Profile (IP)

As part of the cyclical review process, the institution must provide an Institutional Profile (IP) to QQI, which is then published on QQI's website. This profile offers details on the institution's history, structure, mission, governance, quality approach, staff and student demographics, including international students.

The Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) 

The institutional self-evaluation report (ISER) produced by NCI following the self-evaluation process is the core document that will be considered by the review team in advance of, and during, the main review visit. The ISER should provide the review team with sufficient information and evidence to assess the effectiveness of quality assurance within the institution. It provides the review team with documented evidence, or references to evidence, to support claims that the institution is meeting the objectives and criteria set out in the relevant terms of reference.

What is the purpose of the CINNTE Institutional Quality Review Team.

The Review Team consists of external experts appointed by QQI:Meet the Review Team

  • Each review is carried out by a Review Team of independent experts and peers, who review NCI’s education and training provision to ensure that agreed quality standards are being met. 
  • It is expected NCI will have undertaken comprehensive consultation with students, staff and stakeholders. 
  • The Review Team will expect to see solid Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement frameworks in place and appropriate policies and procedures allowing the delivery of higher education programmes, meeting obligations in terms of standards for higher education and training. 
  • The findings from the CINNTE institutional Review will be published in a CINNTE Review Report

CINNTE Consultation Fortnight, 11th - 24th of April 2024.

NCI staff  will have the opportunity to directly inform our Institutional Self-Evaluation Report during CINNTE Staff Consultation Fortnight, 11th - 24th April through a series of in-person and on-campus focus groups Further information for NCI internal staff

Contact Us

For further information, please contact:

Name: Patricia Maguire
Title: QIE Director
Email: Patricia.Maguire@ncirl.ie

Name: Shauni Hegarty
Title: Programme Lifecycle Manager
Email: Shauni.Hegarty@ncirl.ie

Name: Rhonda Hill
Title: CINNTE (Quality Review) Project Officer
Email: Rhonda.Hill@ncirl.ie