EDI Training

At National College of Ireland, we have a range of EDI training programmes available for staff to engage with.

These courses are self-directed and can be taken at any time.

About EDI at NCI

By Stander Training

This programme was developed by UCC and provided to NCI. You can take this training over more than one sitting.

Programme Overview

The overarching message of the UCC Bystander Intervention programme is clear – all of society must recognise their responsibility to highlight unacceptable behaviour, to challenge unwanted behaviour, as well as verbal and physical advances, to effect pro-social behaviour and cultural change. 

The programme educates and empowers participants to recognise acts of sexual harassment and violence and to cultivate their capacity to demand a zero-tolerance approach to all such behaviour, enabled by their upskilling in making safe and effective interventions. 

Stepping in to identify and stop sexual harassment and violence rightly places the spotlight on the perpetrator and their behaviour whilst providing support for the vulnerable party. Each intervention can be both informative and transformative for the parties involved. Through targeted training, these interventions can be normalised, and ultimately identify a new level of expectation, and a new normal for all in society, but especially for those affected by acts of sexual harassment and violence.

About EDI at NCI

An Introduction to Children First

Programme Overview

All staff are required to have basic child protection training. When you have completed the training please forward your certificate to HR/EDI. Staff are required to update their child protection every three years.

About EDI at NCI

Sexual Violence and Harassment: How to Support Yourself and your Peers eLearning Module

This programme was developed by Active*Consent University of Galway.

Programme Overview

This eLearning module introduces a nuanced understanding of sexual violence and harassment, and was designed specifically for college-age students.

This self-guided module brings you on a gamified journey to increase knowledge and build confidence to navigate the complexities of consent on your college campus. The module also provides you with practical and introductory skills in supporting friends who disclose negative sexual experiences and how to safely intervene in developing negative situations in your peer groups and communities.

Training provided in house

Training on different options is offered regularly, but if you or your team are interested in any of the below topics or developing anything specifically, please contact Deirdre McCarthy, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Training Manager at deirdre.mccarthy@ncirl.ie.

  • Gender Identity 
  • Disability in the Workplace 
  • Dignity at Work 
  • EDI Induction 
  • Using and Understanding CSO and Pobal data 
  • Active*Consent for staff 
  • Anti racism, an introduction. 
  • International student - know your rights

Get In Touch
If you are interested in learning more about any of the EDI training programmes listed on this page, please contact Deirdre McCarthy, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Training Manager.