Technology Transfer Office

The NCI Technology Transfer office was set up to assist staff and students in commercialising research, which Enterprise Ireland, and Knowledge Transfer Ireland support under the Technology Transfer Strengthening Initiative. We are part of a technology transfer consortium, the Dublin Regional Innovation Consortium (DRIC), headed up by TU Dublin, IADT, and DIAS.

NCI has a team of academic champions who work with students and staff to develop invention disclosures and advise on the next steps before arranging a meeting with the DRIC licensing Executive.

DRIC: Dublin Regional Innovation Consortium

The consortium members run events and training workshops on intellectual property, commercialisation, licences, and invention disclosure competitions while providing advice and support from licensing executives who work on behalf of the member institutes.

DRIC assisted in commercialising leading-edge research for Dublin Technological University, IADT, Dias and NCI, winning several high-profile technology transfer licences with companies such as SONY, Microsoft and Bausch & Lomb.

Several start-ups were created as a direct result of the assistance from the Consortium and the member institutes.

Contact the Technology Transfer Office

Bertie Kelly
Commercial Director
Technology Transfer Office
National College of Ireland
Tel (Direct): +353 1449 8704
Mobile: +353 87 239 1381