Certificate in Emerging Digital Technologies

Course Instance ID: 891164061
Description: Certificate in Emerging Digital Technologies
Duration: 12 weeks
NFQ Level: Level 7

Emerging digital technologies are those such as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, Blockchain, FinTech, Robotics and, Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, which will have a significant business and societal impact over the next five to ten years. Given the rate of change, these disruptive forces are impacting industries and markets in multiple ways. One specific impact we are seeing is the growing digital skills gap.

This online Certificate in Digital Emerging Technologies will give the student a deep understanding of these new technologies and how they can be utilised to create opportunities in their industry and develop their career prospects.

This programme is part-funded by ICT Skillnet, see the fees tab below for further information on the discount available for member companies.

This programme is run through NCI and funded by Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet. Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet is  pleased to partner with Engineers Ireland on this new exciting programme.


Course details