MSc in Data Analytics

Course Instance ID: 479349288
Description: MSc in Data Analytics
Duration: 1 year
NFQ Level: Level 9
Brochure: Download MSc in Data Analytics brochure

The overall goal of the MSc in Data Analytics programme is to provide graduates with essential research and development skills in Data Analytics. It is envisaged that graduates from this programme will be well equipped to perform independent research that enables them to make informed and critical decisions regarding requirements elicitation and analysis, implementation, evaluation, and documentation in Data Analytics.

Furthermore, the programme seeks to produce graduates who are able to provide insight, gain value and discover knowledge (at an organisational, societal, or personal level) from data through exercising the skills that are developed through the programmes.

Location Start Date
IFSC Campus 15/09/2025 Apply Now
IFSC Campus 19/01/2026 Apply Now

Course details