Muntean, Professor Cristina

Vice Dean of Academic Programmes and Research School of Computing

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Cristina Hava Muntean is a Professor with School of Computing and has over 20 years of research leadership, academic programmes leadership and management, teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and supervision of Masters and PhD students. She holds a B.Eng. degree in Computer Science and a Ph.D. degree awarded by Dublin City University, Ireland.

Prof. Muntean has been constantly involved in various research related activities, fostering and promoting research in Ireland and abroad, building academic collaborations with European and Wordwide Universitie and leading research projects. She has a proven track record of excellent academic and research leadership. In recognition of her contributions, she received 10 awards. She is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Journal and Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.

Prof. Muntean has extensive research expertise in Technology-enhanced Learning, educational analytics, Data Analytics, STEM education, data communication and networking, adaptive and personalised multimedia delivery, and end-user Quality of Experience, with over 150 publications on these topics.

She is also an advocate for women’s empowerment and a STEM champion, always encouraging youth to pursue STEM related careers, being a role mode, and mentoring and helping women to develop their careers. She was awarded four prestigious NCI President’s Awards: Outstanding Contribution to Research (2014), Distinguished Teaching Award (2018), Assessment Innovation Award (2018), and Impact Award (2024).

Key Responsibilities at NCI

  • Lead, manage and oversee the day-to-day operations for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes
  • Undertake line management responsibilities for faculty engaged in teaching
  • Lead and advance research and teaching & learning in subject areas of the School
  • Actively participate in the development of NCI Research Strategy and leads its implementation in the School
  • Management of MSc research project and supervisors training across all School of Computing MSc programmes
  • Timetabling and allocation of teaching responsibilities for the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes
  • Leadership of Springboard+, HCI & ICT Skillnet course funding applications


  • HE Aurora Leadership Initiative for Women programme (2018 – 2019)
  • Ph.D. Dublin City University, Faculty of Computing and Engineering, Ireland (2005)
  • B. Eng. in Computer Science, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Computer Science Department, Romania (2000)    

Academic Experience

  • Vice Dean of Academic Programmes and Research School of Computing (2022-present)
  • Course Director for BSH in Technology Management, Certificate in Emerging Digital Technologies.
  • Lecturer in Security Fundamentals, Operating Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Advanced Programming, Web Services and API, Data Communication Technologies, General and Transferable Skills (PhD Programme), Work Placement
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher and Part-time Lecturer, Dublin City University, Faculty of Computing and Engineering, Ireland (2005-2006).

Research Interests

Prof. Muntean has extensive research expertise in Technology-enhanced Learning, educational analytics, Data Analytics, STEM education, data communication and networking, adaptive and personalised multimedia delivery, and end-user Quality of Experience, with over 150 publications on these topics. She received funding for several research projects in these areas through the EU, SFI, and IRC funding schemes.

Recent Funding

  • EU Horizon 2020 Innovation Action: “Networked Labs for Training in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication (NEWTON)” (2016-2019).
  • IRCSET’s Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme: “Going Green: Energy Efficient Adaptive E-Learning Environment for People on the Move” (2010-2013).
  • IRCSET’s Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme: “CONNECTedness oriented Personalised e-LEARNing through PLAY” (2009-2012).
  • IRCSET’s Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme: “Personalised m-Learning Environment for Mobile Devices with Multiple Wireless Connectivity” (2008-2011).
  • NCI Research Seed Fund: “Learner Device Oriented Educational Multimedia Adaptation” (2008-2009).
  • SFI, Research Frontiers Programme: “Performance-Aware Multimedia-based Adaptive Hypermedia (PAMAH)” (2008-2011).


  • 2024: National College of Ireland President’s Award 2024 - NCI Impact Award: “CINNTE Institutional Quality Review - Advisory Group”.
  • 2019: ACM HAPPIE Conference Best paper Award: “Interactive Personalised STEM Virtual Lab Based on Self-Directed Learning and Self-Efficacy”, ACM 27th Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization Adjunct (UMAP’19) Conference, Larnaca, Cyprus.
  • 2018: National College of Ireland President’s Award 2018 - Assessment Innovation Award: “A Novel Game-based Maths Self-Assessment Methodology with Real-Time Feedback for 1st Year Undergraduate Students”.
  • 2018: National College of Ireland President’s Award 2018 - Distinguished Teaching Award: “Technology based Self-Directed Learning Enhancement for Teaching and Learning in Programming”.
  • 2018: EDMEDIA Conference Outstanding paper award: “Water Cycle in Nature: Small-Scale STEM Education Pilot," AACE EDMEDIA+ Innovative Learning Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • 2014: National College of Ireland: President’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to Research
  • 2011: E-Learn Conference Best Paper Award: “Towards Personalised and Adaptive Multimedia in M-learning Systems”, AACE E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education Conference, Hawaii, USA.
  • 2008: Adaptive Hypermedia Conference Best Paper Award: “Performance Aware Adaptation in Open Corpus E-Learning Systems”, 5th Int. Conf. on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Hannover, Germany.
  • 2006: Best Paper Award: “Improving the Performance of Content Delivery in Web-based Information Systems”, Int. Conf. on Information and Communications Technologies, Hangzhou, China.
  • 2006: Adaptive Hypermedia, Second - Best Paper Competition: “Authoring Model for Quality of Experience-aware Adaptive Hypermedia Systems”, 4th Int. Conference AH2006, Dublin, Ireland.

Professional Body Membership

  • IEEE Member
  • Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Journal
  • Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 

Published International Journal Articles

Book Chapters


Conference Papers


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