The Governing Body constitutes the Board of Directors at National College of Ireland, and is responsible for the overall management and direction of the college and its compliance with company law. The Governing Body establishes and monitors the college’s strategic direction and policy, its financial planning, and compliance with best practice in all college activities. It consists of members drawn from the following nominating bodies:

  • IBEC - 2 nominees
  • ICTU - 2 nominees
  • The Jesuit Community - 2 nominees
  • The Staff of the College - 2 elected staff members
  • The Students Union of the College - 1 elected member
  • The Nominations Committee –up to 5 nominees
  • The Chairperson

Current Members

  • Mr. Brendan McGinty - Chairman
  • Ms. Gina Quin – College President
  • Dr. Anu Sahni - Elected Staff Member
  • Mr. Tre Robert - NCISU President
  • Dr. Kevin Hargaden
  • Mr. Kieran Kelly
  • Mr. Tony O'Malley
  • Mr. Michael Brady
  • Ms. Barbara Cotter
  • Ms. Brigid McManus
  • Ms. Michelle Moore
  • Mr. Patrick Clancy
  • Ms. Maureen Brogan
  • Ms. Sheila Nunan
  • Mr. Kevin Callinan

Further information can be found on the Governing Body Members by clicking here.

The President of the college is ex officio a member of the Governing Body, which elects its own Chair from amongst its own members. The Governing Body may from time to time appoint such sub committees as it deems proper to assist it in such manner as it may decide. 

Sub Committees

  • Finance, Audit, Organisation, Capital Projects Sub Committee: this committee reports directly to the Governing Body itself and oversees the financial planning and reporting compliance of the college as a Limited Company.
  • Nominations Sub Committee: this committee reports to Governing Body on the skills, knowledge, and composition of the Board and make recommendations for necessary changes.
  • Risk Sub Committee: this committee advises and assists the Governing Body in discharging its oversight responsibilities in the area of risk management, excluding internal financial control where oversight is provided by the Finance Audit and Organisation Committee
  • Remuneration Sub Committee: this committee reviews all relevant comparative information and makes recommendations to the Board in respect of remuneration, including performance related remuneration and pension of the President, Vice President and the Director of Finance.

Classes of Records Retained

The Company Secretary is responsible for the retention of all records relating to the Governing Body which include

  • Minutes of meetings of the Governing Body and sub committees
  • General correspondence

The Company Secretary retains the records of the Governing Body in accordance with company law requirements. The annual audited accounts of the college are on public record, and can be obtained from the Company's Office.

Contact Person 

Company Secretary
Dr. Donnchadh Ó Madagáin
Mayor Street
International Financial Services Centre
Dublin DO1 K6W2