On Saturday, April 27th, 2024, National College of Ireland proudly welcomed Leaving Cert and Further Education Students considering their Higher Education options to our Spring Open Day.
CAO Open Days are excellent opportunities for NCI to showcase everything that the college has to offer. From illustrating NCI’s broad range of courses to highlighting the warm, supportive atmosphere here on campus, potential students are given the chance to get a taste of what being a student here at NCI would be like.
What Open Days Offer Potential Students:
Potential students attending open days are given many opportunities that should make CAO decisions easier. Knowing what course to study and ensuring that this course is right for you is a crucial part of the CAO process.
At our Spring Open Day, potential students could avail of …
• One-on-one consultations with lecturers and other members of staff.
• Mock lectures designed to demonstrate what a lecture at NCI would be like.
• Tours of the college given by student leaders, allowing potential students to see the college and to ask current students questions about academic and social life here at NCI.
• Goody bags including the NCI prospectus that potential students can look through in more detail when they get home.
NCI’s Open Day Aims:
Simply put, the key aim of NCI’s Open Days is to showcase how fantastic NCI is. We want to make potential students feel welcome, answer any questions they may have, and give them all the information they need to feel confident that National College of Ireland is where they want to study.
Benefits For Students Attending Open Days:
Some students already know exactly what they want to study at third level, so for those students, Open Days are a great way to meet potential future lecturers and ask any questions they may have about the course. They can meet current students and ask questions about being a student at NCI from the point of view of someone who has been in their shoes. They can experience the mock lectures and see if they think that they will enjoy their chosen course. These mock lectures should help a student decide if a course is right for them, and of course they can explore the campus that they might soon be part of.
For students who are less sure about what they want to study, but maybe they have some ideas, or they think they might like a certain course, those students also get the chance to speak to lecturers and ask questions that may help them make their decisions. Mock lectures are also helpful for students who are unsure, because experiencing what a lecture looks like can also help them decide between courses.
Open Days are supportive, welcoming events, designed to encourage students to study at NCI by showing them that NCI is a thriving, busy campus right in the middle of the city, home to a dynamic range of courses where their academic, professional, and personal growth will be supported.
Further Open Day Events:
On Saturday, June 29th, 2024, potential students will have another opportunity to visit NCI. At this Summer Open Day, lecturers will be here to speak to students one-on-one and answer any final questions they may have.

Why Is This Open Day Important?
Saturday, June 29th, 2024, is a Key Date because it is the last opportunity to ask questions before the CAO Change of Mind Facility closes.
The CAO Change of Mind Facility is available from May 7th – July 1st, 2024.
It is very important that students are aware of these dates because if they wish to amend any of their choices, they must do so before July 1st.
Click here for more helpful information about CAO.
Our June Open Day will be the last chance for students to make NCI their first choice! This Open Day should be particularly helpful to potential students because at this stage they will have completed their exams. They will have a good sense of how they feel their exams went, and with this knowledge they may wish to add more course options to their CAO.
We look forward to welcoming these potential students to NCI again on Saturday, June 29th, 2024. Lecturers and members of staff will be on campus from 11am-1pm to answer any questions and help in any way that we can.