National College of Ireland, Mayor Square, Wednesday 15th May, 2-5pm
If you have not voted before.
If you have moved recently or for any other reason, you’re not sure if you’re registered to vote.
NCI students and ELI home visitors will be available to help you
- Check the Register.
- Register online if you have a PPS number.
- If you don’t have a PPS number, help you complete a hard copy form and let you know what supporting documentation is needed.
You will also have the opportunity to meet some representatives of the main parties running for election - understand the different roles of a councillor, an MEP and learn how PR-STV works (Proportional Representation - Single Transfer Vote)
Remember, all people *resident* in Ireland, even if you are not a citizen, can vote in Local Elections.
All EU citizens, even if you are not an Irish citizen, can vote in European Elections.
Don’t lose your voice, use it: register to vote before May 20th!
If you can’t attend this event, find more information online on these websites: