National College of Ireland’s Early Learning Initiative, in collaboration with the School of Computing and Psychology Department are running an SFI-funded research project on Parental Attitudes to STEM.
Science Foundation Ireland funds oriented basic and applied research in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Orientated basic research refers to research that is conducted with the expectation that it will produce a broad knowledgebase that will go on to form/contribute to the solution of current and future problems or possibilities. Applied research refers to research that is an original investigation that aims to acquire new knowledge. When undertaking applied research, there is usually a specific aim or objective in mind, valid for specific system uses. Science Foundation Ireland also promotes and supports the study of, education in, and engagement with STEM and promotes an awareness and understanding of the value of STEM to society and to the growth of the economy.
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Parents have a profound impact on children’s learning, interests, and educational/career outcomes with families’ cultural, economic, and educational capital impacting on IT engagement. Parents' perceptions of digital technologies influence their children’s engagement with digital learning. There is an emerging need for parents to have an understanding and relationship with technology and the digital ecosystem, because this relationship impacts their own, and their children’s wellbeing and skill development. Aside from an engagement or a lack of engagement with STEM technology, parents are finding it extremely challenging to manage and support their children’s ability to navigate the existing and emerging STEM innovations and technologies.
This study will investigate how parents understand, manage, and support their children’s exposure to and engagement in STEM, technologies, and the digital ecosystem which will help us identify what parenting supports are required.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths. All parents or guardians with children under the age of 18 are invited to spend 15 minutes completing this survey, which gives you a chance to share your experience of and feelings about STEM. The survey is completely anonymous. No personal information is required, and the only data that will be retained are your responses to the multiple-choice questions.
Take The Parental Attitudes to STEM Survey Today
We will share an update on survey results as soon as data has been analysed.
Here at National College of Ireland, we look forward to seeing how this research project evolves, and how it will contribute to conversations about how young people and their parents/guardians are engaging with and can further engage with STEM.