At National College of Ireland, we are thrilled to announce that Early Learning Initiative (ELI) has been selected for the next round of the Tesco Community Fund.
The Tesco Community Fund launched in 2014, aiming to support local good causes in the communities of Tesco’s 177 store locations across Ireland. Customers decide how their local fund is shared by voting for their preferred cause in store with their blue tokens that they receive at checkout. Every 12 weeks, up to €2,000 is donated between three great local causes in each community store.
Learn More About the Tesco Community Fund.
Starting on Monday, August 26th, 2024, and running for the next 12 weeks, members of the public can choose to show their support by selecting ELI as the recipient of their blue tokens when they shop in the Tesco store located at Spencer Dock. Members of the public will also be given more information about the cause they are supporting, as ELI’s informational blurb will state: "Early Learning Initiative at National College of Ireland was developed to address the problem of educational underachievement in marginalised areas. This funding would support our cause. Our mission is to work with communities in areas of greater need, to provide a world class parent and child learning support programme.”
Being selected to be part of the Tesco Community Fund is a wonderful achievement for ELI, because it is a fantastic opportunity to further share our aims with our local community and neighbours, giving the people closest to us the chance to connect with us, and learn more about the crucial supports that ELI continually work to provide. NCI’s Early Learning Initiative is unique in that we are breaking generational cycles through the provision, from birth, of an integrated programme of activities, training, and support for children, parents, and educators.
Since ELI began in 2006, participation has grown from 400 people to over 14,500 people. ELI, along with Government and loyal corporate partners, have supported the educational journeys of thousands of marginalised children and young people, and the aim is to expand further over the next five years. Educating the public about the work that ELI does, and gaining support is a huge factor in enabling these key steps for the community to be taken, which is why being part of campaigns like the Tesco Community Fund is news that we are delighted about, and very proud to share.
Learn More About ELI Programmes at National College of Ireland.
It is fantastic that ELI will benefit from the Tesco Community Fund. We want to thank the Tesco Community Fund team for their support. We also want to thank and congratulate the ELI team for their continued dedication to changing the lives of children and their families through significant, direct supports, and we would like to encourage members of the community to take a token when they are shopping in Spencer Dock!