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What makes a good teacher? Celebrating Leo Casey’s impressive career as an educational innovator

At National College of Ireland, we are celebrating Dr Leo Casey and wishing him well as he begins a new chapter. Leo's colleagues in the Centre for Education and Lifelong Learning (CELL) wish to pay tribute to him on the occasion of his retirement.  

Combining his creativity and skills in media production with his great commitment to education and advocacy for lifelong learning, Dr Leo Casey joined NCI in 2007, where he established the Centre for Education and Lifelong Learning within the College. As well as delivering programmes in education from early childhood education and care through to postgraduate level and specialist areas, CELL provides supports to the faculty at NCI, ensuring the College is always at the forefront of innovative teaching and learning practices.  

Leo’s experience spans the three domains of learning, media, and industry. He was founder and CEO of AV Edge, a learning media production company that specialised in educational television and multimedia. When AV Edge was acquired by ThirdForce, Ireland’s largest e-learning company, Leo subsequently worked as a senior manager for ThirdForce. In this role, he would oversee the development of a new basic skills division. Leo then joined National College of Ireland in January 2007 to take up his current position.  

As the Director of the Centre for Education and Lifelong Learning, he and the CELL team specialise in researching and developing innovative, technology-based, learning approaches for a range of contexts. Leo’s specific research interests are in digital literacy, educator professional identity, and learning across the lifespan. Alongside his work at CELL, Dr Leo Casey is Principal Investigator for the Professional Identity for Khmer Teachers (PIKT) project, which was funded by the Irish Research Council, under the ‘Better World’ strand of the Collaborative Alliance for Social Challenges (COALESCE programme). He is also involved in developing learning pathways for school and college students from disadvantaged areas in Ireland. 

Leo has extensive experience as an educational innovator. He oversees NCI’s involvement in the P-TECH project bringing new vocational and digital skills qualifications to Irish post-primary schools. P-TECH is a collaboration between the Irish Government Department of Education and Skills, participating schools, a consortium of business organisations and NCI, with the initial phase involving schools in the Northeast Inner City (NEIC) of Dublin. Leo is a highly experienced teacher, educator, and dissertation supervisor, including on modules such as Theories of Learning and Teaching, Managing Your Learning, Strategies of Learning and Teaching, Research Methods, Contextual Studies, Contemporary and Enduring Questions in Education, and Assessment.  

Leo’s influence spans all sectors of education and lifelong learning as he has proudly been a Member of the Board of Management of Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education, a Member of the Board of Management of Crumlin College of Further Education, a former Board Member of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (2018 – 2022), and a former Member of The Education, Training and Assessment Subcommittee of NALA (National Adult Literacy Agency) (2018 – 2022), and finally, a Member of HEI Further Education and Training (HEI FET) Forum.  

Being involved in so many areas throughout his career highlights how dedicated Leo has always been to his work. Not only has he been an incredibly hardworking member of staff, but he has also been a colleague that people have learned so much from over the years. The CELL team specifically have shared some reflections that speak to the impact that Leo has had on their practice.  


“Leo is a great role model to me, as a colleague and teacher. His deep integrity and educational curiosity were inspiring. In his classes, he awoke my interest in learning theory, "The science of learning and art of teaching"- his line that often comes back to me! He focused the programme on moral action and taught to dispositions, not retention of information. Another line of his always comes back to me, "What you do for the most excluded person in the class is what matters most.” I am privileged to have had Leo as a teacher, and colleague, and wish him all the very best on the next leg of the journey.”

Conor Thompson.  


“I have been fortunate to work alongside Leo on the Professional Identity for Khmer Teachers (PIKT) project over the past two years. This project stems from his belief that education is a fundamental human right, essential for full societal participation, and gives our lives meaning. Leo's tireless energy and wisdom have been the cornerstone of this project. Moreover, his belief that every team member matters and that everyone has a voice, has imparted a lasting lesson in inclusivity and teamwork, that I will always carry with me. 

The PIKT project continues to create a ripple effect of positive change among its teacher participants, collaborators, and within the associated organisations. Rather than enjoying a peaceful retirement, Leo has already set the wheels in motion to build on the success of PIKT, with a follow-on project. Enhancing Pedagogy in Cambodia (EPIC) promises to shine a light on the challenges and opportunities within Cambodian education, boost international collaborations, and encourage evidence-based investment in the Cambodian education system. I wish Leo all the best with EPIC and will eagerly follow its progress.” 

Deirdre Tinnelly. 


“I think the thing that will always stick out for me the most, is how Leo approaches everything from a truly “human” perspective. His ability to see the good and the potential in everyone is infectious. I met Leo when he was supporting a grassroots initiative to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience among FET teachers across the City of Dublin, many years ago. From those first interactions, I’ve learned that regardless of a position, rank, level of experience or level of education, each one of us has value, brings value, and adds value. He embodies the belief that we are human beings, not human doings, and I hope he can look back on his career as one that has had untold impact across those fortunate to have been in contact with him.”

Carrie Archer. 


“I first came to NCI to interview for a post that I didn’t get but Leo gave me a call back and invited me in to talk about some other possibilities and somehow managed to create a role for me. I have observed him do similarly with so many along the way since, creating opportunities to enable others grow and develop. Working with him has been an education and always educational.”

Yvonne Emmett. 


“Working with Leo has been a real pleasure, and I will miss our occasional Friday afternoon Teams chats where we resolved issues or plotted for new programmes that could make an impact. When I joined NCI, we discussed our shared educational values, and these helped us to create new programmes and additional pathways of learning that hopefully will endure and thrive in the future. Leo’s vision, support, advice, and decency have been key to the success of these initiatives and to the success of CELL. Wishing you many great adventures in the future Leo!”

 Ita Kennelly. 


“Since I joined NCI, Leo has been a great colleague, teacher, mentor, friend and sounding board. I particularly value the discussions we have had on reflective practice as a bedrock in teacher education. I have resonated with Leo’s values on student centered learning. As a teacher educator, I have seen him support novice teacher's progress to higher levels of functioning. His focus has always been on holistic development within a context. I have learned much about the nuances of adult education, given the fact that I come from Early Childhood Development & Education. Thank you for being the person you are. Wishing you the best, Leo, as I am sure you will continue to contribute scholarly literature on the Essentials of good teaching practice.”

Meera Oke. 


“I learned about Dewey as the adored family dog and the man who set the core values of education and inspired Leo. As a learner on the Post Grad and through all my dealings with Leo as a colleague in NCI, I find his easy demeanour, enthusiasm for sharing knowledge in an accessible and uncomplicated manor infectious; hence Dewey, along with many other educators are enshrined in my memory and part of my practice. Leo has been a major influence on my learning and continuing inquiry in the field of Education for which I am forever grateful.”

Susan Maher. 


“Leo has taught me how to see the big picture/helicopter view of various projects, instead of focusing on the detail. His advice over the years has been invaluable and I will take it with me throughout my career. When I think of Leo’s contribution to the education sector, it is P-TECH that comes to mind. This was such innovative thinking and unchartered ground for the 3rd level sector. It is something I am proud to have worked on and I am sure Leo is as well. I have no doubt Leo will continue to contribute to the education sector after his retirement and I look forward to seeing what comes next!”

 Stephanie Roe. 


“I first met Leo when I was in the School of Computing, during a teaching enhancement event where he was filling in for Yvonne. At that point, I didn’t know anything about Leo or CELL. He didn’t have any notes, and we ended up having a wide-ranging and interesting discussion. One thing that I particularly remember was when he agreed with me that the widespread practice of introducing a module by reading through the module descriptor was questionable. That conversation immediately convinced me that he was a thoughtful and reflective educator. 

One of the most inspiring things about working with Leo was his ability to take an idea from germination to fruition. He has an instinct for recognising great ideas from colleagues and ensuring they have the space and support to develop. His generosity isn’t just in offering encouragement—it is in creating the conditions where ideas can take root and thrive. What began as just a few sentences could grow into a fully realised outcome, allowing colleagues to bring their ideas to life and truly flourish. I’m sure you will have a wonderful retirement, and I wish you all the best for what comes next, Leo!

 John Andrews.  

A selection of photos from Leo's retirement send-off!

It has been wonderful to see members of the CELL team come together to share personal reflections about what they have taken away from working with Dr Leo Casey. It is clear that Leo's impact resonates far beyond NCI, and his colleagues here at the College do not consider this a 'goodbye', as we have no doubt his sincere passion for pedagogy will keep him involved in the sector. Leo embraced NCI's ethos and directly contributed to making NCI an environment where members of staff can thrive, and we have no doubt that Leo will always be an advocate for lifelong learning. Happy Retirement!  

