Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe TD, formally launched the Early Learning Initiative’s PlayLab and Sanctuary at National College of Ireland on Friday last, saying: “These facilities are a practical example of the Government’s First 5 National Strategy 2019-2023, delivering much-needed valuable educational space for families living in the inner-city, including families in emergency accommodation, international protection, children with disabilities or learning delays and parents experiencing the many challenges of parenting very young children. The PlayLab and Sanctuary at NCI make sure children living in disadvantage have access to positive early experiences.”
Funded through Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) & DCC Community Recognition Fund; DCC Community Fund and the NEIC Community Grant, The PlayLab and Sanctuary Space at the National College of Ireland (NCI), is a dedicated indoor play and therapeutic space for children aged 0-6 years.
The PlayLab provides an open, child-friendly, educational space for baby massage, toddler groups and storytelling sessions, for use by ELI and local ABC (Area Based Childhood) partners, including PHNs, Tusla Family Support, ECEC services, MDTs etc. - 80+ groups in Dublin’s inner-city Area Based Childhood Programmes.
The Sanctuary space provides a child-friendly consultation room for families, a purpose-built sensory room and a sensory pod to aid emotional regulation.
Both spaces will enable NCI students completing the BA Hons degree in Early Childhood Education & Care (ECEC) to engage in valuable ‘hands-on learning’ to support them to develop the knowledge, skills & competences for leading learning through play for young children.

Pictured here with Minister Donohoe are Matthew Emeric Balazs (age 5), who currently takes part in ELI activities, and Robyn Maher (age 19), who was one of the first babies to ever participate in ELI programmes and is now studying for her BA (Hons) in Early Childhood Education and Care at NCI.
The PlayLab and Sanctuary are also prototypes for Child and Family Facilities being developed by National College of Ireland in the National Centre for Research and Remembrance, an innovative Government Project, in partnership with Department of Children, Equality, Diversity, Integration and Youth and Tusla, Child and Family Agency.
Dr Josephine Bleach, Director of the Early Learning Initiative at National College of Ireland said: “NCI has always been regarded by our local community as a safe space, where good things happen: for our students, young and old, and local community.
“The Play Hub and Sanctuary Space are additional dedicated indoor play and therapeutic spaces for children aged 0-6 years. We thank the Department of Rural Affairs & DCC Community Recognition Fund; DCC Community Fund and the NEIC Community Grant for their support; and Tusla’s Dublin Inner City ABC teams and stakeholders, in particular local parents, who had the vision and worked together to develop and deliver on the project.”
Chair of NCI’s Governing Body, Brendan McGinty said: “NCI believes in widening participation in higher education and working to unlock the potential in each and every student. To make a real difference in a child’s education we must intervene early, beginning work with them, with their parents and with their communities, from day one.”
President of National College of Ireland, Professor Gina Quin, said: “When National College of Ireland moved to Dublin’s North-East Inner City, the College founded the Early Learning Initiative as a centre of excellence for early intervention, changing the lives of parents and families through education.
“With the expansion of our campus to include the Spencer Dock Building, we are proud and delighted to dedicate additional space to the Early learning Initiative, extending our ability to provide space to our community partners and opening up our higher education institute to local families.
“NCI’s mission is “to change lives through education”. The PlayLab and Sanctuary contribute to this mission and support parents in their constitutional role as the primary educators of their children. This is a practical example of a Higher Education Institute, Government and community partnership, supporting our collective goal to make Dublin’s Inner City a safer, more attractive and vibrant environment for all.”