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Join us to explore and celebrate the wonders of the brain: Brain Awareness Week at NCI

At National College of Ireland, we are immensely proud to be taking part in the official 2025 Brain Awareness Week campaign. We are delighted to be able to extend an open invitation to the public to join us as we explore and celebrate the wonders of the brain.  

About Brain Awareness Week 

Brain Awareness Week 2025 runs from March 10th to March 16th.  

National College of Ireland’s Psychology Department are grateful to have received funding from the Federation of Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and the DANA Foundation to be one of the official host institutions taking part in this campaign in the EU. With this funding, NCI’s Psychology Department, in collaboration with NCI’s Early Learning Initiative, are excited to welcome everyone to our official Brain Awareness Week event.  

Join us in Mayor Square 

 When: Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 
Time: 2pm-5pm 
Where: The Kelly, located in NCI’s Mayor Square building.  
Cost: This event is FREE. 

About our Brain Awareness Week event 

Enjoy an afternoon of fascinating talks from researchers who will be discussing brain health, stigma, dementia, and promoting ways to keep your brain healthy. Our aim is to promote brain health, mental well-being, and neuroscience research.  

Alongside these brilliant research presentations, NCI’s Early Learning Initiative are looking forward to sharing the impressive work they have been doing on infant mental health and wellbeing. In the lead up to this busy event, NCI’s Psychology Department, due to collaborating with ELI, will have the wonderful opportunity to work with local Transition Year (TY) students. In a series of exciting workshops, young students will engage with our staff and learn all about the brain. We hope to inspire the future generation of neuroscientists and researchers.  

End the day with a networking session and enjoy chatting to neuroscientists from NCI and around Ireland over some tea and coffee!  

The significance of Brain Awareness Week  

We want to help everyone understand how important brain science is, because of how it helps us understand our overall physical and mental health. We want everyone to know about the research that exists so that everyone can make informed decisions about their brain health and wellbeing. Did you know that reminiscing about old times could improve our memory? Or that we could use video games to help slow down dementia. The more you know, the more we can do.   

At National College of Ireland, we are proud to be taking part in this incredibly important initiative that supports the mission of making brain research accessible to everyone. Brain science can help us promote healthier and more productive lives by understanding our own brain health. Our team of researchers at the SAMI Lab and ProBrain Lab in the Psychology Department at NCI, carry out excellent work on neurological and mental health stigma. By taking a lifespan approach to studying brain health, the team are attempting to understand risk and protective factors for dementia and cognitive decline.   

We hope you will join us on March 12th to hear about the latest research, connect with peers and a network of researchers, and to learn all you can about how to keep your brain healthy so that we all can lead healthier lives. 

You can register now by visiting our Events Page.  
