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Remembering Jack McGinley - first SU president of National College of Ireland

Jack McGinley - photo by Dara Mac Dónaill

Photo of Jack McGinley by Dara Mac Dónaill

We have learned that late last year, Dr Jack McGinley passed away. Jack can fairly be described as a true stalwart of the Irish Labour and Trade Union movement. As well as his active involvement in the organisation and activism of trade unions, including serving as President of SIPTU’s Education Sector, he was a key figure in the Irish Labour History Society, including serving as President, and was the Principal of Umiskin Press, publishing limited editions of Trade Union and Labour history material.

Having left school in 1971, Jack returned to education 1987-1992. Earning a degree in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management from NCI, in its then incarnation in Ranelagh. While there, he was one of a group of students who set up the very first NCI Students Union and was elected the first President of NCISU. Jack went on to many great achievements, positively impacting the lives of countless people, and we are proud that this important piece of the College’s history is part of his legacy. NCI sends sincere condolences to Jack’s family, friends and comrades.

It seems fitting to remember him today, as voting commences for NCISU 2025-2026. Without him, we would not have had the excitement of the past week, seeing democracy in action on campus. Without him, we would not have such strong student representation in the College, nor contribute to and benefit from membership of USI (Union of Students in Ireland), nor have a student voice at Governing Body. Solidarity, Jack!

A notice board filled with election posters for NCISU 2025-26