The Menopause at Work Study and Survey
Researchers at National College of Ireland, in collaboration with University College Cork and University of Galway, are conducting a study on the “experiences of and attitudes towards Menopause at Work”. This study is seeking the opinions and experiences of all employees, including those who have experienced menopause and those who have not. The findings from this research will be used to inform public and organisational policy in this area.
You can find the survey here: Menopause at Work Survey - note, participation in the survey is strictly voluntary and confidential and should take between 5 and 10 minutes to finish.
The survey is appropriate for ALL colleagues to complete, we do not anticipate any negative outcomes from participating in this study. However, if you feel that any questions are of a sensitive or personal nature, you can choose not to answer questions or withdraw from the survey. Further information on menopause can be found at theirishmenopause.com.
Ethical Approval
This study has obtained ethical approval from National College of Ireland's Research Ethics Committee. All information you provide will be confidential and your anonymity will be protected throughout the study. Your anonymised information will contribute to research publications and/or conference presentations.
If you have any questions and you would like to receive a copy of the final report of this study when it is completed, please feel free to contact Dr TJ McCabe.
Thank you
The researchers would like to thank everyone who participates in this survey for their important and valuable contribution.