Book chapters

The following is a chronological list of book chapters authored by academic staff at National College of Ireland.


-, Cornelius and Jaswal, Shivani (2024) Lambda Authorizer Benchmarking Tool with AWS SAM and Artillery Framework. In: Advances in Information and Communication (FICC 2024). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 921 . Springer, Cham, pp. 108-128. ISBN 978-3-031-54053-0

Alcala, Alexandra, Bleach, Josephine, O'Neill, Jennifer, Kane, Trinity, Hennessy-McCann, Emma, Booth, Julie, Darmody, Kate, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2024) STEM Play & Learn: A Summer Family Learning Programme in Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Communities. In: 2024 IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE 2024). IEEE, Washington DC, USA.

Ali, Vasit, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Yaqoob, Abid (2024) Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health and Well-being: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis. In: The 2024 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. American Council on Science and Education, Las Vegas, USA.

Aman, Mohammad, Jilani, Musfira, Muntean, Cristina Hava, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2024) A Deep Learning Framework for Memory Retrieval from Lifelogging Data. In: IEEE International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI 2024). IEEE, Varna, Bulgaria.

Arsenis, Panagiotis and Flores, Miguel (2024) Work placements and graduate outcomes: self-selection bias and employability metrics. In: Lighting the Labyrinth: enhancing student success through the 3Es. Advance HE. ISBN 978-1-7385242-0-4

Arsenis, Panagiotis and Flores, Miguel (2024) University-To-Work Transition and Work Placements: Evidence of Heterogeneous Pay Dynamics. In: Trends in vocational education and training research. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), VII . Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET), pp. 11-16.

Bleach, Josephine and Stynes, Paul (2024) Using Community Action Research to develop grassroots STEM Family Learning Programmes. In: Proceedings of the Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN 2024). CARN, Malmö, Sweden.

Cortés-Mendoza, Jorge M., Tchemykh, Andrei and González-Vélez, Horacio (2024) Training Policy for Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression in Federated Learning Environments. In: 2024 2nd International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA). IEEE, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1-8.

Donnelly, Roisin and Kennelly, Ita (2024) A Framework-based Cross-institutional CPD for Academic Staff in Gen-AI Literacy, Critical Inquiry, and Authentic Assessment. In: Effective Practices in AI Literacy Education: Case Studies and Reflections. Emerald, Leeds, pp. 51-59. ISBN 978-1-83608-853-0

González-Cebrián, Alba, Ciolacu, Iulian, Bradford, Michael, Dobre, Ciprian and González-Vélez, Horacio (2024) Data Drift for Automatic FAIR-compliant Dataset Versioning in Large Repositories. In: 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). IEEE, Osaka, Japan, pp. 1-10. ISBN 979-8-3503-6562-7

Gross, Nicole and Geiger, Susi (2024) Tinkering in Markets for Collective Goods: Experiments, Exceptionalities and the Case of HIV Medications. In: Market Studies: Mapping, Theorizing and Impacting Market Action. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 23-37. ISBN 9781009413961

Kamble, Sanica Sanjay, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Simiscuka, Anderson Augusto (2024) A Hybrid HSV and YCrCb OpenCV-based Skin Tone Recognition Mechanism for Makeup Recommender Systems. In: 2024 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, pp. 1224-1229. ISBN 979-8-3503-6126-1

Kennelly, Ita, Casey, Leo, Conaty, Y. and Sweeny, R. (2024) Innovation, commitment & capability: A partnership approach to creating new pathways for post primary students in Ireland. In: International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI). ICSEI, Trinity College Dublin.

Kothapalli, Srija Venkata Sai Ravali, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Yaqoob, Abid (2024) Advanced Deep Learning Framework for Improved Wildfire Detection and Aerosol Identification Using Active Satellite Imagery. In: 2024 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, pp. 955-960. ISBN 979-8-3503-6126-1

Mahajan, Prachi, Stynes, Paul and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2024) Proactive Management of Delays in the French Railway Network: A Seasonal Machine Learning Based Approach. In: The 2024 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. American Council on Science and Education, Las Vegas, USA.

Malaichamy, Gayathri, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Simiscuka, Anderson Augusto (2024) Online Job Posting Authenticity Prediction with Machine and Deep Learning: Performance Comparison Between N-Gram and TF-IDF. In: Deep Learning Theory and Applications. Communications in Computer and Information Science (2171). Springer, Cham, pp. 143-162. ISBN 978-3-031-66694-0

Mothersill, David, Ryan, Nikki, Rowsome-Kelly, Céilim, Stynes, Paul and Bleach, Josephine (2024) Supporting parents to navigate the modern digital ecosystem for themselves and their children. In: Ireland’s Education Yearbook. Education Matters.

Muntean, Cristina Hava, Bharadwaj, Aditi and Verma, Rohit (2024) Artificial Intelligence based Automatic Product Recognition for Toys Retail Stores. In: The 2024 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. American Council on Science and Education, Las Vegas, USA.

Muntean, Cristina Hava, Tal, Irina, Bogusevschi, Diana, Bratu, Marilena, Bi, Ting and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2024) Mulseplayer: A Multi-Sensorial Media Content Delivery Solution to Enhance End-User Quality of Experience. In: 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE, Toronto, ON, Canada, pp. 1-6. ISBN 979-8-3503-6426-2

Oladimeji, Temitope, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Simiscuka, Anderson Augusto (2024) Understanding Risks for Maternal Mortality in Rural Bangladesh Using XGBoost, Random Forest, and Decision Tree ML Models. In: The 2024 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'24). American Council on Science and Education, Las Vegas, USA.

Power, Julie (2024) Tangible Coding Game. In: Computers in Education Society of Ireland Conference. CESI, Galway, Ireland.

Pulido-Gaytan, Bernardo, Tchemykh, Andrei, Babenko, Mikhail, Cortés-Mendoza, Jorge M., González-Vélez, Horacio and Avetisyan, Arutyun (2024) Enhancing Cloud Security through Efficient Polynomial Approximations for Homomorphic Evaluation of Neural Network Activation Functions. In: 2024 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing Workshops (CCGridW). IEEE, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 42-49. ISBN 979-8-3503-7751-4

Shaikh, Ruksar, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Gupta, Shaguna (2024) Prediction of Resource Utilisation in Cloud Computing Using Machine Learning. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER. SciTePress, Angers, France, pp. 103-114. ISBN 978-989-758-701-6

Siddique, Jawed, Jilani, Musfira, Cudden, Mark, Muntean, Cristina Hava, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2024) Deep Learning Framework for Analysing Land Use and Land Cover Classification and Change Detection. In: The 8th International Conference on Video and Image Processing. ACM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Singh, Shubham, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Gupta, Shaguna (2024) Boosting Microservice Resilience: An Evaluation of Istio’s Impact on Kubernetes Clusters Under Chaos. In: 2024 9th International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC). IEEE, Malmö, Sweden, pp. 245-252. ISBN 979-8-3503-6648-8

Somanna, Harshitha Poolakanda, Stynes, Paul and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2024) A Deep Learning-Based Plant Disease Detection and Classification for Arabica Coffee Leaves. In: Deep Learning Theory and Applications. Communications in Computer and Information Science (2171). Springer, Cham, pp. 19-37. ISBN 978-3-031-66694-0

Somers, Carmel, Feenan, Dave, Fitzgerald, David, Henriques, Roberto, Martignoni, Matteo, Parletta, Daniela A., Cibin, Eva, Chis, Adriana E. and González-Vélez, Horacio (2024) Systematic Needs Analysis of Advanced Digital Skills for Postgraduate Computing Education: The DIGITAL4Business Case. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners, Doctoral Consortium and Blue Sky. AIED 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2150 . Springer, Cham, pp. 179-191. ISBN 978-3-031-64314-9

Stynes, Paul, Muntean, Cristina Hava, Sheridan, Frances, Thornbury, Emer and Pathak, Pramod (2024) Research Supervision Framework: A Student's Experience. In: EDUNINE 2024 - 8th IEEE World Engineering Education Conference. IEEE, Guatemala City, Guatemala. ISBN 9798350348729

Subhan, Fazal E., Yaqoob, Abid, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2024) EDQD: An Edge-Driven Multi-Agent DRL Solution for Improving Joint QoE in DASH-based Rich Media Content Delivery. In: 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE, Toronto, ON, Canada, pp. 1-7. ISBN 979-8-3503-6426-2

Verma, Rohit, Rane, Dheeraj and Jaswal, Shivani (2024) Service-oriented Computing Paradigms: Opportunities and Challenges. In: Soft Computing Principles and Integration for Real-Time Service-Oriented Computing. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 154-173. ISBN 9781032551883

Verma, Rohit, Shukla, Surendra and Jaswal, Shivani (2024) Trends and Future Opportunities of Service-oriented Computing in Social Benefits. In: Soft Computing Principles and Integration for Real-Time Service-Oriented Computing. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 117-135. ISBN 9781032551883

Yao, Yao, González-Vélez, Horacio and Croitoru, Madalina (2024) Explanatory Dialogues with Active Learning for Rule-based Expertise. In: Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning 2024 (RuleML+RR 2024). CEUR-WS, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 1-15.


-, Manisha, Clifford, William, McLaughlin, Eugene and Stynes, Paul (2023) A Deep Learning Emotion Classification Framework for Low Resource Languages. In: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14418. Springer, Cham, pp. 113-121.

Darmody, Kate, Booth, Julie, Bleach, Josephine, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2023) Work in Progress: A Virtual Educational Robotics Coding Club Framework to Improve K-6 Students Emotional Engagement in STEM. In: 2023 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE). IEEE, Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 1-4.

Garavan, Thomas, MacKenzie, Clíodhna and Darcy, Colette (2023) In the war for talent: just who is worthy of development? Talent development in organizations. In: Smart Talent Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 46-66. ISBN 9781802202717

Garavan, T., McCarthy, A., Lai, Y., Clarke, N., McDonnell, A., Carbery, R., Murphy, K., Darcy, Colette, O'Brien, F. and Sheehan, M. (2023) Training, Organisation and Financial Performance: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Mediating Mechanisms. In: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference. European Academy of Management, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Gopalan, Srijeet, Verma, Rohit and Jaswal, Shivani (2023) A Secure and Privacy Preserving Telehealth Solution in Fog Based Environment. In: 2023 3rd International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence (ICSMDI). IEEE, Trichy, India, pp. 38-47. 

Gross, Nicole (2023) Critical Reflexivity as the Last Frontier to Uncover and Change the Ideologies Buried Behind Practices. In: Nurturing Modalities of Inquiry in Entrepreneurship Research: Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Those who Research. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 17. Emerald Publishing. ISBN 9781802621860

Jain, Somil, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Verma, Rohit (2023) Honey2Fish - A Hybrid Encryption Approach for Improved Password and Message Security. In: 2023 3rd International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence (ICSMDI-2023). IEEE, New York, USA, pp. 198-203.

Kennelly, Ita (2023) A new pathway for learning: The P-TECH initiative in Ireland. In: OECD International Online Knowledge Exchange Conference. OECD.

Kracen, Amanda +, Mothersill, David +, McClean, E. * and Woods, S. * (2023) Demystifying anxiety: A teaching tool to destigmatize mental health and enhance students’ resilience. In: A Psychology Skillbuilding Toolbox for Students. Society for the Teaching of Psychology. ISBN 978-1-941804-73-5

Kumaran, Kannan, Pathak, Pramod, Haque, Rejwanul and Stynes, Paul (2023) A Machine and Deep Learning Framework to Retain Customers Based on Their Lifetime Value. In: BDA 22: Big Data Analytics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13773 . Springer, Cham, pp. 91-103. ISBN 978-3-031-24094-2

Lal, Vishan, Stynes, Paul and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2023) An Investigation into Predicting Flight Fares in India Using Machine Learning Models. In: Deep-BDB 2023: The 4th Joint International Conference on Deep Learning, Big Data and Blockchain (DBB 2023). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 768 . Springer, Cham, pp. 106-118.

Marigowda, Chethan, Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Siddig, Abubakr, Muntean, Cristina Hava, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2023) A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Framework to Recommend E-Commerce Products. In: 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Communications (ITCC 2023). ACM, Tianjin, China.

Menon, Akshay, Siddig, Abubakr, Muntean, Cristina Hava, Pathak, Pramod, Jilani, Musfira and Stynes, Paul (2023) A Machine Learning Framework for Shuttlecock Tracking and Player Service Fault Detection. In: DeLTA 2023: Deep Learning Theory and Applications. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, Cham, pp. 71-83.

Rafii, Fadoua, González-Vélez, Horacio and Chis, Adriana E. (2023) Automatic FAIR Provenance Collection and Visualization for Time Series. In: Companion of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE '23 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 331-336. ISBN 9798400700729

Shahid, Abdul, Diamond, Danny, McDermott, James and d'Aquin, Mathieu (2023) Ensemble Machine Learning Models for Root Note Detection in Irish Instrumental Dance Music. In: 31st Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. Atlantic Technological University, Letterkenny, Donegal.

Simpson, A., Sheerin, Corina and Hurley, V. (2023) Giving Shape to Finance and the City of London: Permissive Regulation and Minimalist Governance. In: Combating Financial Crime: Global and National Trends. Springer. (In Press)

Sunney, Jothika, Jilani, Musfira, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2023) A Real-time Machine Learning Framework for Smart Home-based Yoga Teaching System. In: 7th International Conference on Machine Vision and Information Technology (CMVIT). IEEE Computer Society, Xiamen, China, pp. 107-114.

Thornbury, Emer, Sheridan, Frances, Muntean, Cristina Hava, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2023) A Tutoring Framework to Support Computer Science Programmes in Higher Education. In: VII IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE23). IEEE, Bogotá, Colombia.

Yadav, Shweta (2023) Assessing the Efficacy of Synthetic Data for Enhancing Machine Translation Models in Low Resource Domains. In: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14418 . Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-031-49601-1


Durá, Marta, Sánchez-García, Angel, Sáez, Carlos, Leal, Fátima, Chis, Adriana E., González-Vélez, Horacio and García-Gómez, Juan M. (2022) Towards a Computational Approach for the Assessment of Compliance of ALCOA+ Principles in Pharma Industry. In: Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 294. IOS Press, pp. 755-759. ISBN 978-1-64368-285-3.

Filip, Ion-Dorinel, Ionite, Cosmin, González-Cebrián, Alba, Balanescu, Mihaela, Dobre, Ciprian, Chis, Adriana E., Feenan, Dave, Buga, Adrian-Alexandru, Constantin, Ioan-Mihai, Suciu, George, Iordache, George V. and González-Vélez, Horacio (2022) Smardy: Zero-Trust FAIR Marketplace for Research Data. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE, pp. 1535-1541.

Fischer, Marcelo, Haque, Rejwanul, Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2022) Identifying Fake News in Brazilian Portuguese. In: Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (13286). Springer Nature, Cham, pp. 111-118. ISBN 978-3-031-08473-7.

Garavan, Thomas, Grant, Kirsteen, Darcy, Colette, O'Brien, Fergal and Clarke, Nicholas (2022) Human Resource Management, Leadership and Knowledge Management: Never the Twain Shall Meet. In: The Emerald Handbook of Work, Workplaces and Disruptive Issues in HRM. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 129-147. ISBN 978-1-80071-779-4

González-Cebrián, Alba, McGuinness, Luke A., Bradford, Michael, Chis, Adriana E. and González-Vélez, Horacio (2022) Automatic Versioning of Time Series Datasets: a FAIR Algorithmic Approach. In: 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). IEEE, pp. 204-213.

González-Vélez, Horacio, Dobre, Ciprian, Sánchez-Solis, Barbara, Antinucci, Giulia, Feenan, Dave and Gheorghe, Dana (2022) Open Science and Research Data Management: A FAIR European Postgraduate Programme. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE, pp. 2522-2531.  

Gross, Nicole (2022) The challenges and methods of understanding, contextualizing and uncovering silent entrepreneurship practices. In: Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship as Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 222-234. ISBN 9781788976824.

Gupta, Priyanka, Gandhi, Shriya and Chakravarthi, Bharathi Raja (2022) Leveraging Transfer learning techniques- BERT, RoBERTa, ALBERT and DistilBERT for Fake Review Detection. In: FIRE 2021: Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation. ACM International Conference Proceedings Series. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 75-82. ISBN 978-1-4503-9596-0.

Hargreaves, April (2022) Challenges in Using Social Media as a Recruitment Platform for an Unfunded Nationwide Online Survey: Irish Public’s Perception of the Disorders of Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism. In: SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. SAGE. ISBN 9781529799781.

Hargreaves, April, Mothersill, David and Loughnane, Gerard M. (2022) "Stigma: An Investigative Analysis of the Irish Public’s Knowledge and Perception of Autism". In: Autism Spectrum Disorders - Recent Advances and New Perspectives. IntechOpen. ISBN 978-1-83768-343-7.

Jadhav, Rohan Indrajeet, Stynes, Paul, Pathak, Pramod, Haque, Rejwanul and Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed (2022) An Instance Segmentation Model to Categorize Clothes from Wild Fashion Images. In: ICDLT '22: Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on Deep Learning Technologies. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 75-83. ISBN 978-1-4503-9693-6.

Jooste, Wandri, Way, Andy, Haque, Rejwanul and Superbo, Riccardo (2022) Knowledge Distillation for Sustainable Neural Machine Translation. In: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 2: Users and Providers Track and Government Track). Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Orlando, USA, pp. 221-230.

Kelly, Michelle, Lawlor, Brian, Coen, Robert, Robertson, Ian, Finan, Sinead, Lawless, M., Scully, N., Fitzpatrick, J., Quigley, M., Tyrrell, F., O'Regan, A. and Devane, A. (2022) A multi-disciplinary approach to offering community based cognitive interventions to people with early-stage dementia in Ireland. In: Abstracts of the 18th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. Springer Nature, pp. 1-439. 

Kennelly, Ita (2022) Embracing the evolution of teaching identity through reflection beyond COVID-19. In: ILTA EdTech Conference. ILTA, Cork, Ireland.

Kennelly, Ita (2022) A new pathway for learning: The P-TECH initiative in Ireland. In: QQI 10th Anniversary Conference. QQI, Dublin, Ireland.

McCabe, Thomas, J. and Darcy, Colette (2022) Motivation and Rewards. In: Organisational Behaviour: An Introduction. Red Globe Press, UK, pp. 92-116. ISBN 9781352012477.

Mellon, Conor (2022) Using triadic reflective dialogue to support active learning. In: 100 Ideas for Active Learning. Active Learning Network, University of Sussex Library, Brighton, UK, pp. 345-351.

Moslem, Yasmin, Haque, Rejwanul, Kelleher, John and Way, Andy (2022) Domain-Specific Text Generation for Machine Translation. In: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track). Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Orlando, USA, pp. 14-30.

Patel, Anjuli, Stynes, Paul, Sahni, Anu, Mothersill, David and Pathak, Pramod (2022) A Machine Learning based Eye Tracking Framework to Detect Zoom Fatigue. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2. SciTePress, pp. 187-195. ISBN 978-989-758-562-3 & ISSN 2184-5026.

Pilankar, Yash, Haque, Rejwanul, Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed, Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2022) Detecting Violation of Human Rights via Social Media. In: Proceedings of CSR-NLP I @LREC 2022. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), pp. 40-45. ISBN 979-10-95546-89-4.

Rothe, Antje, Moloney, Mary, Sims, Margaret, Calder, Pamela, Blyth, Doreen, Boyd, Wendy, Doan, Laura, Dovigo, Fabio, Girlich, Sarah, Georgiadou, Sofia, Kakana, Domna, Mellon, Conor, Opazo, María-José, O’Síoráin, Carol-Ann, Quinn, Marian, Rogers, Marg, Silberfeld, Carolyn and Tadeu, Bárbara (2022) Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Government Policies Relating to the Early Childhood Sector Across Ten Countries. In: The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Education and Care: International Perspectives, Challenges, and Responses. Springer Cham, pp. 67-88. ISBN 978-3-030-96977-6.

Sheridan, Frances, Thornbury, Emer, Murphy, Lisa, Muntean, Cristina Hava, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2022) A Framework for Managing the Transition from Second Level to Higher Education in Response to the COVID19 Emergency Restrictions. In: 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 1-7. ISBN 978-1-6654-6244-0

Sonu, Sanket, Haque, Rejwanul, Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed, Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2022) Identifying Emotions in Code Mixed Hindi—English Tweets. In: Proceedings of the WILDRE-6 Workshop @LREC2020. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), pp. 35-41. ISBN 979-10-95546-87-0.

Stynes, Paul, Cogan, Sam, Sheridan, Frances and Pathak, Pramod (2022) A Process Model for transitioning to alternative assessment and authentication in response to the COVID19 emergency restrictions". In: EDUNINE 2022 - 6th IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: Rethinking Engineering Education After COVID-19: A Path to the New Normal, Proceedings. IEEE. ISBN 978-1-6654-8336-0.

Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2022) A Research Supervision Framework for Quality and Scalability. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. SciTePress, pp. 395-403. ISBN 978-989-758-562-3 & ISSN 2184-5026.

Surve, Vrushali Atul, Pathak, Pramod, Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed, Haque, Rejwanul and Stynes, Paul (2022) An Image-based Transfer Learning Framework for Classification of E-Commerce Products. In: ICDLT '22: Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on Deep Learning Technologies. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 26-31. ISBN 978-1-4503-9693-6.

Williams, David, Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2022) An Analysis of Hybrid Virtual Lecture Engagement. In: EDUNINE 2022 - 6th IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: Rethinking Engineering Education After COVID-19: A Path to the New Normal, Proceedings. IEEE. ISBN 978-1-6654-8336-0.

Williams, David, Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2022) Measuring Learner Engagement to Create a Gameful Learning Environment. In: EDUNINE 2022 - 6th IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: Rethinking Engineering Education After COVID-19: A Path to the New Normal, Proceedings. IEEE. ISBN 978-1-6654-8336-0.


Agughalam, Davis Munachimso, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2021) Bidirectional LSTM approach to image captioning with scene features. In: Proceedings of SPIE: The Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2021). SPIE, 118780B. ISBN 9781510646018.

Bratu, Marilena, Oprisan, Emila and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2021) An Investigation into the Suitability of Modern Technologies and Pedagogies for Teaching Children with Neuromotor Disorders: Teachers’ Perspectives. In: Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC USA, pp. 1527-1534. ISBN 9781939797551.

Cardiff, Linda and Kehoe, Michele (2021) Covid-19 'Targets' the National Access Plan (Poster). In: Valuing Ireland’s Teaching and Learning (VITAL) Week. National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Dangwal, Smriti and Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae (2021) Feature Selection for Machine Learning-based Phishing Websites Detection. In: 2021 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA). IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-6654-2529-2.

Ekundayo, Oluwatobi, Murphy, Lisa, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2021) An On-Device Deep Learning Framework to Encourage the Recycling of Waste. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications - Proceedings of the 2021 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 3. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Volume 296). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 405-417. ISBN 978-3-030-82199-9.

Gain, Baban, Haque, Rejwanul and Ekbal, Asif (2021) Not All Contexts are Important: The Impact of Effective Context in Conversational Neural Machine Translation. In: 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-6654-3900-8.

Govind, Hima and González-Vélez, Horacio (2021) Benchmarking Serverless Workloads on Kubernetes. In: 2021 IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). IEEE, pp. 704-712. ISBN 9781728195865.

Gupta, Kamal Kumar, Boppana, Dhanvanth, Haque, Rejwanul, Ekbal, Asif and Bhattacharyya, Pushpak (2021) Investigating Active Learning in Interactive Neural Machine Translation. In: Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVIII: Research Track. Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, pp. 10-22.

Kanhere, Samruddhi Shailesh, Sahni, Anu, Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2021) Clustering Based Approach to Enhance Association Rule Mining. In: 2021 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT). IEEE, pp. 142-150. ISBN 978-9-5269-2444-1.

Kodali, Sai Kaushik and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2021) An Investigation into Deep Learning Based Network Intrusion Detection System for IoT Systems. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Computer Application (ICDSCA). IEEE, pp. 374-377. ISBN 978-1-6654-4054-7.

Padalkar, Abhishek Sunil, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2021) An Object Detection and Scaling Model for Plastic Waste Sorting. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI for People: Towards Sustainable AI, CAIP 2021, 20-24 November 2021, Bologna, Italy. CORE. EAI, Bologna, Italy, pp. 18-25. ISBN 978-1-63190-326-7.

Palani, Kamalesh, Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2021) Clustering Techniques to Identify Low-Engagement Student Levels. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. SciTePress, pp. 248-257. ISBN 978-989-758-502-9.

Ramesh, Akshai, Uhana, Haque Usuf, Parthasarathy, Venkatesh Balavadhani, Haque, Rejwanul and Way, Andy (2021) Augmenting Training Data for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation via Bilingual Word Embeddings and BERT Language Modelling. In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-6654-3900-8.

Tewari, Saurav, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2021) A Novel Aspect-Based Deep Learning Framework (ADLF) to Improve Customer Experience. In: Big Data Analytics: 9th International Conference, BDA 2021, Virtual Event, December 15-18, 2021, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 13147). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 119-130. ISBN 978-3-030-93620-4.


Alhejji, Hussain, Garavan, Thomas, N. and Darwish, Rayed (2020) Constraints facing creative enterprises in GCC: Implications for HRD. In: The Future of HRD. Springer, pp. 211-235. ISBN 978-303052410-4

Anant, Aaloka and Prasad, Ramjee (2020) Data Privacy Technology for Society. In: Proceeding: International Symposium on 5G & Beyond for Rural Upliftment 2020. River Publishers Series in Communications and Networking . River Publishers. ISBN 9788770222174

Bhattacharya, Sourav and González-Vélez, Horacio (2020) 3D-Stacked Memory For Shared-Memory Multithreaded Workloads. In: ECMS 2020 Proceedings Edited by: Mike Steglich, Christian Muller, Gaby Neumann, Mathias Walther. European Council for Modeling and Simulation, pp. 376-383. ISBN 9783937436685.

Danysz, Jerry, Del Rosal, Victor and González-Vélez, Horacio (2020) AWS EC2 Spot Instances for Mission Critical Services. In: ECMS 2020 Proceedings Edited by: Mike Steglich, Christian Muller, Gaby Neumann, Mathias Walther. European Council for Modeling and Simulation, pp. 368-375. ISBN 9783937436685.

Kumar, Animesh, Pathak, Pramod and Stynes, Paul (2020) A Transfer Learning Approach to Classify the Brain Age from MRI Images. In: Big Data Analytics - 8th International Conference, BDA 2020, Sonepat, India, December 15–18, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Volume 12581). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 103-112. ISBN 978-3-030-66665-1.

Makri, Eleni, Zhao, Dan and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2020) Game-based Learning in Computer Programming: Exploration of the Relationships between Game Usability, Knowledge Acquisition and Learner Experience. In: Proceedings of SITE Interactive 2020 Online Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Online, pp. 147-156. ISBN 9781939797513.

Sharma, Sachin, Nag, Avishek, Stynes, Paul and Nekovee, Maziar (2020) Automatic Configuration of OpenFlow in Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks. In: 2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS). IEEE, pp. 367-373. ISBN 978-1-7281-4484-9.

Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2020) Curriculum Development Framework: A Tool for Innovative Programme Development. In: EDULEARN20 Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED Academy, pp. 3455-3465. ISBN 978-84-09-17979-4.

Wagh, Vinaysheel K., Pathak, Pramod, Stynes, Paul and Nardin, Luis G. (2020) An Evacuation Route Model for Disaster Affected Areas. In: Proceedings of The 28th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, December 7-8, 2020 (AICS 2020). CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2771)., pp. 61-72.


Abdelkefi, Atef, Jiang, Yuming and Sharma, Sachin (2019) SENATUS: An Approach to Joint Traffic Anomaly Detection and Root Cause Analysis. In: 2018 2nd Cybersecurity in Networking Conference (CSNet). IEEE, Article number 8602689. ISBN 9781538670453.

Byers, Vivienne (2019) Street-level bureaucracy research across the borders of scholarly communities. In: Research Handbook on Street-Level Bureaucracy: The Ground Floor of Government in Context. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 410-432. ISBN 9781786437624.

Brdar, Sanja, Novović, Olivera, Grujić, Nastasija, González-Vélez, Horacio, Truică, Ciprian-Octavian, Benkner, Siegfried, Bajrovic, Enes and Papadopoulos, Apostolos (2019) Big Data Processing, Analysis and Applications in Mobile Cellular Networks. In: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11400). Springer, Switzerland, pp. 163-185. ISBN 9783030162719.

D’mello, Gavin and González-Vélez, Horacio (2019) Distributed Software Dependency Management Using Blockchain. In: 2019 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP). IEEE, pp. 132-139. ISBN 9781728116440.

Doyle, Julie, Murphy, Emma, Kuiper, Janneke, Smith, Suzanne, Hannigan, Caoimhe, Jacobs, An and Dinsmore, John (2019) Managing Multimorbidity: Identifying Design Requirements for a Digital Self-Management Tool to Support Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions. In: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper No. 399. ISBN 9781450359702.

Draghici, Rozeta, Rusu, Alexandra, Prada, Gabriel Ioan, Herghelegiu, Anna Marie, Bajenaru, Lidia, Dobre, Ciprian, Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X., Spinsante, Susanna, Batalla, Jordi Mongay and González-Vélez, Horacio (2019) Acceptability of Digital Quality of Life Questionnaire Corroborated with Data from Tracking Devices. In: 2019 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD). IEEE, p. 8858470. ISBN 9781728110165.

El Mawas, Nour, Tal, Irina, Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Bogusevschi, Diana, Andrews, Josephine, Muntean, Gabriel-Miro and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2019) Improving STEM Learning Experience in Primary School by Using NEWTON Project Innovative Technologies. In: Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1022. Springer, Cham, pp. 214-230. ISBN 9783030211516.

El Mawas, Nour, Truchly, Peter, Podhradský, Pavol and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2019) The Effect of Educational Game on Children Learning Experience in a Slovakian School. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU. SciTePress, pp. 465-472. ISBN 9789897583674.

Eustace, James and Pathak, Pramod (2019) Retrieval Practice, Enhancing Learning in Electrical Science. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU. SciTePress, pp. 262-270. ISBN 9789897583674.

Ghergulescu, Ioana, Zhao, Dan, Muntean, Gabriel-Miro and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2019) Improving Learning Satisfaction in a Programming Course by Using Course-Level Personalisation with NEWTELP. In: 2019 14th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP). IEEE, Article number 8864865. ISBN 9781728136349.

Ghergulescu, Ioana, Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2019) Interactive Personalised STEM Virtual Lab Based on Self-Directed Learning and Self-Efficacy. In: Adjunct Publication of the 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP'19 Adjunct). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 355-358. ISBN 9781450367110.

Ghergulescu, Ioana, Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2019) Atomic Structure Interactive Personalised Virtual Lab: Results from an Evaluation Study in Secondary Schools. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU. SciTePress, pp. 605-615. ISBN 9789897583674.

Jha, Nikhil, Ghergulescu, Ioana and Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae (2019) OULAD MOOC Dropout and Result Prediction using Ensemble, Deep Learning and Regression Techniques. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2: CSEDU. SciTePress, pp. 154-164. ISBN 9789897583674.

Krause, Markus, Afzali, Farhad Mohammad, Caton, Simon and Hall, Margeret (2019) Is Quality Control Pointless? In: Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2019. University of Hawai'i at Manoa, pp. 5279-5288. ISBN 9780998133126.

Martinez-Alpiste, Ignacio, Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, Pablo, Alcaraz-Calero, Jose, Grecos, Christos and Wang, Qi (2019) Benchmarking Machine-Learning-Based Object Detection on a UAV and Mobile Platform. In: 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). IEEE, p. 8885504. ISBN 9781538676462.

Monks, John, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2019) A Mobile Quality-oriented Cooperative Multimedia Delivery Solution. In: 2019 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). IEEE, pp. 686-691. ISBN 9781538677476

O'Neill, Marie, Alfis, Robert, Buggle, Jane, McKenna, Robert, Geraghty, Audrey, Buckley, Mary, Smyth, Justin, Ní Bhraonain, Dimphne, Hughes, David and Haugh, Trevor (2019) Connecting Librarians: The HECA Library Group Pilot of the Professional Development Framework. In: Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Irish Academic Libraries: Stories of Professional Artistry. L2L, Dublin, pp. 49-67. ISBN 9781999366506.

Prakash, Adjitesh, Caton, Simon and Haas, Christian (2019) Utilizing Social Media For Lead Generation. In: Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2019. University of Hawai'i at Manoa, pp. 2304-2313. ISBN 9780998133126.

Sharma, Sachin and Nekovee, Maziar (2019) Demo Abstract: A demonstration of automatic configuration of OpenFlow in wireless ad hoc networks. In: IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). IEEE, pp. 953-954. ISBN 9781728118789.

Sharma, Sachin, Uniyal, Navdeep, Tola, Besmir and Jiang, Yuming (2019) On Monolithic and Microservice Deployment of Network Functions. In: 2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). IEEE, pp. 387-395. ISBN 9781538693766.

Spinsante, Susanna, Strazza, Annachiara, Dobre, Ciprian, Bajenaru, Lidia, Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X., Batalla, Jordi Mongay, Krawiec, Piotr, Georgescu, George, Molan, Gregor, González-Vélez, Horacio, Herghelegiu, Anna Marie, Prada, Gabriel Ioan and Draghici, Rozeta (2019) Integrated Consumer Technologies for Older Adults' Quality of Life Improvement: the vINCI Project. In: 2019 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT). IEEE, pp. 273-278. ISBN 9781728135700.

Zamuda, Aleš, Crescimanna, Vincenzo, Burguillo, Juan C., Dias, Joana Matos, Wegrzyn-Wolska, Katarzyna, Rached, Imen, González-Vélez, Horacio, Senkerik, Roman, Pop, Claudia, Cioara, Tudor, Salomie, Ioan and Bracciali, Andrea (2019) Forecasting Cryptocurrency Value by Sentiment Analysis: An HPC-Oriented Survey of the State-of-the-Art in the Cloud Era. In: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11400). Springer, Switzerland, pp. 325-349. ISBN 9783030162719.


Bampis, Christos G., Rusu, Cristian, Hajj, Hazem and Bovik, Alan C. (2018) Robust matrix factorization for collaborative filtering in recommender systems. In: 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 2017. IEEE, pp. 415-419. ISBN 9781538618233.

Caton, Simon, Venugopal, Srikumar, Bhushan, Shashi, Velamuri, Vidya Sankar and Katrinis, Kostas (2018) Dynamic Model Evaluation to Accelerate Distributed Machine Learning. In: 2018 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress). IEEE, pp. 150-157. ISBN 9781538672327.

Chis, Adriana E. and González-Vélez, Horacio (2018) Design Patterns and Algorithmic Skeletons: A Brief Concordance. In: Modeling and Simulation in HPC and Cloud Systems. Studies in Big Data (36). Springer International Publishing, pp. 45-56. ISBN 9783319737676.

Darcy, Colette, O'Donoghue, Ashley and Liu, Yanqiao (2018) Employee Engagement, Induction, Turnover and Retention. In: Human Resource Management. Red Globe Press, UK, pp. 59-78. ISBN 9781352004021.

Doyle, Julie, Murphy, Emma, Hannigan, Caoimhe, Smith, Suzanne, Bettencourt-Silva, Joao and Dinsmore, John (2018) Designing Digital Goal Support Systems for Multimorbidity Self-Management: Insights from Older Adults and their Care Network. In: Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. ACM, New York, pp. 168-177. ISBN 9781450364508.

El Mawas, Nour and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2018) Supporting lifelong learning through development of 21st Century skills. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings. 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies . IATED, pp. 7343-7350. ISBN 9788409027095.

Eustace, James and Pathak, Pramod (2018) Enhancing Electrical Science Learning Within A Novel Practice Testing Learning Framework. In: 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE, Article No. 8659207. ISBN 9781538611746.

Gibney, Desmond (2018) Government proposals to acquire the liquor trade in the First World War: The case of Macardle, Moore and Company, Brewers. In: Accounting for Alcohol: An Accounting History of Brewing, Distilling and Viniculture. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 44-68. ISBN 9781138737334.

Lavnis, Sneha Umesh, Manimaran Elango, Divyaa and González-Vélez, Horacio (2018) Contextual Oblivious Similarity Searching for Encrypted Data on Cloud Storage Services. In: 2018 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing (SC2). IEEE, pp. 77-82. ISBN 9781728102368.

Leal, Fátima, González-Vélez, Horacio, Malheiro, Benedita and Burguillo, Juan Carlos (2018) Semantic Profiling and Destination Recommendation based on Crowd-sourced Tourist Reviews. In: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 14th International Conference. DCAI 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (620). Springer International Publishing, pp. 140-147. ISBN 978331962410517.

Matthews, Tara, Iqbal, Muhammad and González-Vélez, Horacio (2018) Non-Linear Machine Learning with Active Sampling for MOX Drift Compensation. In: 2018 IEEE/ACM 5th International Conference on Big Data Computing Applications and Technologies (BDCAT). IEEE, pp. 61-70. ISBN 9781538655023.

McNally, Sean, Roche, Jason and Caton, Simon (2018) Predicting the Price of Bitcoin Using Machine Learning. In: 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP) 2018. IEEE, pp. 339-343. ISBN 9781538649756.

Mulligan, Christopher, Vera Cruz, Carlito, Healy, Donagh, Murphy, David, Hall, Margeret, Nelson, Quinn and Caton, Simon (2018) A Study of App User Behaviours: Transitions From Freemium to Premium. In: HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations. HCIBGO 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (10923). Springer, Cham, pp. 396-412. ISBN 9783319917160.

Muntean, Cristina Hava, El Mawas, Nour, Bradford, Michael and Pathak, Pramod (2018) Investigating the Impact of an Immersive Computer-based Math Game on the Learning Process of Undergraduate Students. In: 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE, Article No. 8659005. ISBN 9781538611746.

O'Grady, Michael J., Murdoch, Olga, Carr, Dominic, Collier, Rem and O'Hare, Gregory M. P. (2018) The Cyber Sensor Network. In: 2018 IEEE 16th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 16th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 4th Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech). IEEE, pp. 386-389. ISBN 9781538675182.

Peruffo, Eleonora, Bobko, Sofia, Looney, Brian, Murphy, Bernadette, Hall, Margeret, Nelson, Quinn and Caton, Simon (2018) Speed dating and self-image: Revisiting old data with new eyes. In: Social Computing and Social Media. Technologies and Analytics. SCSM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (10914). Springer, pp. 279-297. ISBN 9783319914855.

Smith, Peter, González-Vélez, Horacio and Caton, Simon (2018) Social Auto-Scaling. In: 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP) 2018. IEEE, pp. 186-195. ISBN 9781538649756.

Stynes, Paul, Conlan, Owen and O’Sullivan, Declan (2018) CRESUS-T: A Tool to Support Collaborative Requirements Elicitation Through Enhancing Shared Understanding and Simulation. In: Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT). Computer Science Conference Proceedings (CSCP), 8 (2). AIRCC Publishing Corporation, pp. 47-61. ISBN 9781921987809.


Bleach, Josephine (2017) Community Action Research in Ireland: Improving Educational Outcomes Through Collaboration in the Dublin Docklands. In: The Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 177-188. ISBN 9781137441089.

De Souza, Renato AugustoDe Almeida, Raquel PereiraMoldovan, Arghir-NicolaeDo Patrocínio, Zenilton Kleber G., Jr and Guimarães, Silvio Jamil F. (2017) Gameplay Genre Video Classification by Using Mid-Level Video Representation. In: 2016 29th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI). IEEE, pp. 188-194. ISBN 9781509035687.

Leal, FátimaGonzález-Vélez, HoracioMalheiro, Benedita and Burguillo, Juan Carlos (2017) Profiling And Rating Prediction From Multi-Criteria Crowd-Sourced Hotel Ratings. In: Proceedings 31st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation. ECMS. ISBN 9780993244049.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Ghergulescu, Ioana and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2017) Analysis of Learner Interest, QoE and EEG-Based Affective States in Multimedia Mobile Learning. In: IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2017. IEEE, pp. 398-402. ISBN 9781538638705.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2017) QoE-aware video resolution thresholds computation for adaptive multimedia. In: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB), 2017. IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781509049370.

Monks, John, Olaru, Aida, Tal, Irina and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2017) Quality of experience assessment of 3D video synchronised with multisensorial media components. In: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB), 2017. IEEE. ISBN 9781509049370.

Munisso, Riccardo and Chis, Adriana E. (2017) CloudMapper: A Model-Based Framework for Portability of Cloud Applications Consuming PaaS Services. In: Proceedings of the 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), 2017. IEEE, pp. 132-139. ISBN 9781509060580.

Muntean, Cristina Hava, Andrews, Josephine and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2017) Final Frontier: An Educational Game on Solar System Concepts Acquisition for Primary Schools. In: IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2017. IEEE, pp. 335-337. ISBN 9781538638705.

Simiscuka, Anderson AugustoMuntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2017) A NETworking scheme for an Internet of Things Integration Platform. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), 2017. IEEE, pp. 271-276. ISBN 9781509015252.

Tal, Irina, Ibarrola, Eva and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2017) Quality and standardization in technology-enhanced learning. In: Proceedings of the 2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference: ICTs for a Sustainable World, ITU WT 2016. IEEE. ISBN 9789261204518.

Zou, Longhao, Tal, Irina, Covaci, Alexandra, Ibarrola, Eva, Ghinea, Gheorghita and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2017) Can Multisensorial Media Improve Learner Experience? In: Proceedings of the 8th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, MMSys 2017. ACM, New York, pp. 315-320. ISBN 9781450350020


Bansel, Aryan, González-Vélez, Horacio and Chis, Adriana E. (2016) Cloud-Based NoSQL Data Migration. In: Proceedings - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 224-231. ISBN 9781467387767.

Bleach, Josephine (2016) Sharing the Learning from Community Action Research. In: Values and Virtues in Higher Education Research: Critical Perspectives. Routledge, New York, pp. 126-140. ISBN 9781138916821.

Darcy, Colette (2016) Motivation and Stress in the Workplace. In: Organisational Behaviour: An Introduction. Red Globe Press, UK. ISBN 9781137429445.

Hall, Margeret, Mazarakis, Athanasios, Peters, Isabella, Chorley, Martin, Caton, Simon, Mai, Jens-Erik and Strohmaier, Markus (2016) Following User Pathways: Cross Platform and Mixed Methods Analysis in Social Media Studies. In: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, pp. 3400-3407. ISBN 9781450340823.

Hall, Margeret and Caton, Simon (2016) Online engagement and well-being at higher education institutes: A German case study. In: IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 2016. IEEE, pp. 542-547. ISBN 9783901882838.

Hayes, Paul and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2016) Text Messaging for Out-of-Class Communication: Impact on Immediacy and Affective Learning. In: Mobile Learning Design. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore, pp. 271-284. ISBN 9789811000270.

Jakobik, Agnieszka, Grzonka, Daniel, Kolodziej, Joanna and González-Vélez, Horacio (2016) Towards Secure Non-Deterministic Meta-Scheduling For Clouds. In: Proceedings - 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2016. European Council for Modelling and Simulation, pp. 596-602. ISBN 9780993244025.

Krause, Markus, Hall, Margeret, Williams, Joseph Jay, Paritosh, Praveen, Prip, John and Caton, Simon (2016) Connecting Online Work and Online Education at Scale. In: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, pp. 3536-3541. ISBN 9781450340823.

Maguire, Rebecca and Maguire, Phil (2016) Surprise. In: Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-3. ISBN 9783319280998

Martin, Sheila K. (2016) Oppression in Ireland. In: The Handbook of Dealing with Workplace Bullying. Taylor & Francis, pp. 99-142. ISBN 978-131702950-2

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2016) User QoE assessment on mobile devices for natural and non-natural multimedia clips. In: 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2016. IEEE, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9781509019908.

Quigg, Anne-Marie and Martin, Sheila K. (2016) Essential requirements for developing best practice. In: The Handbook of Dealing with Workplace Bullying. Taylor & Francis, pp. 213-235. ISBN 978-131702950-2


Akmal, Muhammad, Allison, Ian and González-Vélez, Horacio (2015) Assembling Cloud-based Geographic Information Systems: A Pragmatic Approach using off-the-shelf Components. In: Cloud Computing with e-Science Applications. CRC Press, Florida, pp. 141-162. ISBN 9781466591165.

Bleach, Josephine (2015) Improving Early Numeracy Outcomes. In: Education Matters Yearbook 2015-2016: Shaping Ireland's Education Landscape. Education Matters, Dublin.

Bleach, Josephine (2015) Supporting Parents. In: A Critical Companion to Early Childhood. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 228-239. ISBN 9781446259269.

Bradford, Michael, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Pathak, Pramod (2015) An analysis of flip-classroom pedagogy in first year undergraduate mathematics for computing. In: 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE. ISBN 9781479939220.

Ghergulescu, Ioana, Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2015) Energy consumption analysis of cloud-based video games streaming to mobile devices. In: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting 2015. IEEE, pp. 1-6. 

Ghergulescu, Ioana, Stynes, Paul and Pathak, Pramod (2015) A model for designing learning experiences for computer science curriculum. In: 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings. IEEE. ISBN 9781479939220.

Lindner, Andreas, Hall, Margeret, Niemeyer, Claudia and Caton, Simon (2015) BeWell: A Sentiment Aggregator for Proactive Community Management. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, pp. 1055-1060. ISBN 9781450331463.

McCabe, Thomas J. (2015) Graduate Employability. In: Human Resource Development: A Concise Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 231-249. ISBN 9781137360090.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Ghergulescu, Ioana and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2015) Performance evaluation of EMOS model for mapping-based Video Quality estimation. In: 9th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2015). IEEE, pp. 120-125. ISBN 9781467380324.

O'Hare, Gregory M. P., Carr, Dominic and O'Grady, Michael J. (2015) Collaborative sensing: Delivering an intelligent and adaptive sensing infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, pp. 13-17. ISBN 9781479920020.

Ubarhande, Vrushali, Popescu, Alina Madalina and González-Vélez, Horacio (2015) Novel Data-Distribution Technique for Hadoop in Heterogeneous Cloud Environments. In: Proceedings - 2015 9th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, CISIS 2015. IEEE, pp. 217-224. ISBN 9781479988709.


Foster, Meadhbh I., Keane, Mark, Loewenstein, Jeffrey, Maguire, Rebecca, Maguire, Phil, May, Ross W., Smith-Rodden, Martin, Ash, Ivan K., Munnich, Edward L. and Ranney, Michael A. (2014) Triangulating surprise : Expectations, uncertainty and making sense. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Society. Cognitive Science Society.

Ghergulescu, Ioana, Moldovan, Arghir.-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2014) Measurement of self-efficacy in Game-based E-learning through interaction with non-player characters. In: Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 640-644. ISBN 9781939797070.

Ghergulescu, Ioana, Moldovan, Arghir.-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2014) Energy-aware Adaptive Multimedia for Game-based E-learning. In: 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781479916542.

Heene, Moritz, Coyne, James, Francis, Greg, Maguire, Phil and Maguire, Rebecca (2014) Crisis in cognitive science? Rise of the undead theories. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Society. Cognitive Science Society, pp. 82-83.

Kugler, Kai, Caton, Simon, Chard, Kyle and Katz, Daniel S. (2014) On Replica Placement in a Social CDN for e-Science. In: 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). IEEE, pp. 13-20. ISBN 9781479942879.

Maguire, Phil, Moser, Philippe, Maguire, Rebecca and Griffith, Virgil (2014) Is Consciousness Computable? Quantifying Integrated Information Using Algorithmic Information Theory. In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.

Maguire, Phil, Moser, Philippe, O'Reilly, Kieran, McMenamin, Conor, Maguire, Rebecca and Kelly, Robert (2014) Maximizing positive portfolio diversification. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence. IEEE, pp. 174-181.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Ghergulescu, Ioana and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2014) Learning assessment for different categories of educational multimedia clips in a mobile learning environment. In: Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1687-1692. ISBN 9781939797070.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Ghergulescu, Ioana and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2014) Educational Multimedia Profiling Recommendations for Device-Aware Adaptive Mobile Learning. In: Proceedings of 8th IADIS International Conference on e-Learning 2014 (eL2014). IADIS, pp. 125-132.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Ghergulescu, Ioana and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2014) A novel methodology for mapping objective video quality metrics to the subjective MOS scale. In: 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9781479916542.

Molnar, Andreea Maria and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2014) Economical Aspects of Heterogeneous Networks : When Money, Quality and Context Matter. In: Convergence of Broadband, Broadcast, and Cellular Network Technologies. IGI Global, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9781466659780.

Petcu, Dana, González-Vélez, Horacio, Nicolae, Bogdan, García-Gómez, Juan M., Fuster-Garcia, Elies and Sheridan, Craig (2014) Next Generation HPC Clouds: A View for Large-Scale Scientific and Data-Intensive Applications. In: Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8806). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 26-37. ISBN 9783319143132.

Singh, Ajitpal and González-Vélez, Horacio (2014) Hierarchical Multi-log Cloud-Based Search Engine.  In: 2014 Eighth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS). IEEE, pp. 211-219. ISBN 9781479943265.


Campa, Sonia, Danelutto, Marco, Torquati, Massimo, González-Vélez, Horacio and Popescu, Alina Madalina (2013) Towards the Deployment of FastFlow on Distributed Virtual Architectures. In: Proceedings 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation. Rekdalsbakken: ECMS Webjørn. ISBN 9780956494467.

Danelutto, Marco, Hammond, Kevin and González-Vélez, Horacio (2013) ParaPhrase Workshop 2012. In: Euro-Par 2012 : Parallel Processing Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7640). Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 368-369. ISBN 9783642369490.

Darcy, Colette (2013) Employee Induction, Turnover and Retention. In: Carbery, R. and Cross, C. (eds.) Human Resource Management: A Concise Introduction. Basingstoke, Hants.: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 56-71. ISBN 9781137009395. 

Garba, Michael T., González-Vélez, Horacio and Roach, Daniel L. (2013) GPU Acceleration for Hermitian Eigensystems. In: Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence X. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7776). Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 150-161. ISBN 9783642384967.

Goli, Mehdi and González-Vélez, Horacio (2013) Heterogeneous Algorithmic Skeletons for Fast Flow with Seamless Coordination over Hybrid Architectures. In: 21st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2013. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 148-156. ISBN 9780769549392.

Hammond, Kevin, Aldinucci, Marco, Brown, Christopher, Cesarini, Francesco, Danelutto, Marco, González-Vélez, Horacio, Kilpatrick, Peter, Keller, Rainer, Rossbory, Michael and Shainer, Gilad (2013) The ParaPhrase Project: Parallel Patterns for Adaptive Heterogeneous Multicore Systems. In: Formal Methods for Components and Objects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7542). Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 218-236. ISBN 9783642358876.

Hayes, Paul, Weibelzahl, Stephan and Hall, Timothy (2013) Text messaging for out-of-class communication : Impact on affective learning. In: Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), pp. 59-66. ISBN 9789728939816.

Lonea, Alina Madalina, Tianfield, Huanglory and Popescu, Daniela Elena (2013) Identity Management for Cloud Computing. In: New Concepts and Applications in Soft Computing. Studies in Computational Intelligence (417). Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg,  pp. 175-199. ISBN 9783642289590.

Maguire, Phil, Moser, Philippe, Maguire, Rebecca and Keane, Mark (2013) A Computational Theory of Subjective Probability : [Featuring a Proof that the Conjunction Effect is not a Fallacy]. In: Knauff, M., Pauen, M., Sebanz, N. and Wachsmuth, I. (eds.) Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 960-965. ISBN 9780976831891.

Maguire, Phil, Moser, Philippe, McDonnell, Jack, Kelly, Robert, Fuller, Simon and Maguire, Rebecca (2013) A Probabilistic Risk-to-Reward Measure for Evaluating the Performance of Financial Securities. In: 2013 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr). IEEE, pp. 102-109. ISBN 9781467359214.

Sheridan, Frances (2013) The Fresher Agenda - Improving retention through early student engagement.  In: 14th Biennial CSSI Conference: Mind, Body, Spirit: The Holistic Approach to the Student Experience Conference Proceedings. Confederation of Student Services in Ireland, pp. 29-33. ISBN 9780951467572.

Whitston, Colin (2013) The 1913 Dublin lockout and the British and international labour movements. In: Devine, F. (ed.) A Capital in Conflict: Dublin City and the 1913 Lockout. Dublin: Dublin City Council, pp. 27-56. ISBN 9781907002106.


Ghergulescu, Ioana and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2012) Measurement and Analysis of Learner’s Motivation in Game-Based E-Learning. In: Assessment in Game-Based Learning. New York: Springer New York, pp. 355-378. ISBN 9781461435464.

Ghergulescu, I. and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2012) Supporting Motivation Based Educational Games Through Web 3.0. In: Towards Learning and Instruction in Web 3.0. New York: Springer New York, pp. 247-264. ISBN 9781461415398.

Maguire, Phil and Maguire, Rebecca (2012) An Investigation into the Use of Clickers in Groups for Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms. In: Proceedings of AISHE-C 2012. AISHE.

Molnar, Andreea Maria and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2012) Consumer' risk attitude based personalisation for content delivery. In: 2012 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC). IEEE, pp. 265-269. ISBN 9781457720703.

Trestian, Ramona, Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Ormond, Olga and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2012) Energy Consumption Analysis of Video Streaming to Android Mobile Devices. In: 2012 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 444-452. ISBN 9781467302685.

Trestian, Ramona, Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Muntean, Cristina Hava, Ormond, Olga and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2012) Quality Utility modelling for multimedia applications for Android Mobile devices. In: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781467302944.


Bane, Deirdre (2011) Íompar Logistics. In: Irish Case Studies in Entrepreneurship. Oak Tree Press, Cork, pp. 81-93. ISBN 9781904887492.

Egan, Arlene and Murphy, Jennifer (2011) A review of the Peer Assisted Learning Programme in UCD Access Centre.  In: 13th Conference of the Confederation of Student Services in Ireland: 'Supporting Students in Transition'. Post Proceedings. Confederation of Student Services in Ireland, Dublin, pp. 27-36.

Ghergulescu, Ioana and Muntean, C. H. (2011) Learner Motivation Assessment with Game Platform. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2011. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1212-1221.

Hayes, Paul, Weibelzahl, Stephan and Hall, Timothy (2011) Mobile Technologies in Education - Ubiquitous Scaffolding and Support for Undergraduate Students. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), pp. 308-311.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Moraru, Catalin Alexandru and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) MediaMTool : Multimedia content management tool. In: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781612841205.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) Towards Personalised and Adaptive Multimedia in M-learning Systems. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2011. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 782-791.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Molnar, Andreea Maria and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) EcoLearn : Battery Power Friendly e-Learning Environment for Mobile Device Users. In: Learning-Oriented Technologies, Devices and Networks. Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 273-296. ISBN 9783843390002. 

Molnar, Andreea Maria and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) Mobile Learning : An Economic Approach. In: Graf, S., Lin, F., Kinshuk and McGreal, R. (eds.) Intelligent and Adaptive Learning Systems: Technology Enhanced Support for Learners and Teachers. IGI Global Publishing, pp. 311-326. ISBN 9781609608422.

Sheerin, Corina (2011) Choice or pre-determined path? Women in investment management - Why so few? In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance. Reading, UK:  Academic Publishing, pp. 515-523. ISBN 9781908272164.


Beere, Rosalind, McNamara, Peter and O'Gorman, C. (2010) Abrakebabra : two cases.  In: Basic Strategy in Context: European text and cases. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 12-16. ISBN 9781405161084.

Casey, Leo and Bruce, Bertram C. (2010) Sustaining the Inquiry Cycle: Digital Literacy Reframed. In: Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1372-1379. ISBN 9781880094785.

Cocea, Mihaela and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2010) Validation issues in educational data mining: The case of HTML-tutor and ihelp. In: Handbook of Educational Data Mining. CRC Press, pp. 377-388. ISBN 978-143980458-2

Darcy, Colette and Garavan, Thomas N. (2010) Factors Influencing Employee Claiming Behavior in Relation to the Termination of Employment: Evidence From Europe. In: Benson, P. (ed.) Emerging Themes in International Management of Human Resources. Charlotte, N.C.:  Information Age Publishing. ISBN 9781617350832.

Mavrikis, Manolis, D'Mello, Sidney, Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska, Cocea, Mihaela and Graesser, Art (2010) Modeling affect by mining students’ interactions within learning environments. In: Handbook of Educational Data Mining. CRC Press, pp. 231-244. ISBN 978-143980458-2

Molnar, Andreea Maria and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2010) Educational content delivery : An experimental study assessing student preference for multimedia content when monetary cost is involved. In: 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2010. IEEE, pp. 871-876. ISBN 9781424481347.

O'Loughlin, Eugene (2010) iClassroom : Opportunities for Touch Screen Handheld Technologies in Learning and Teaching. In: Donnelly, R., Harvey, J. and O'Rourke, K. (eds.) Critical Design and Effective Tools for E-Learning in Higher Education: Theory into Practice. IGI Global, pp. 141-156. ISBN 9781615208791.

Venkataraman, H., d'Ussel, A., Corre, T., Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2010) Performance analysis of real-time multimedia transmission in 802.11p based multihop hybrid vehicular networks. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. New York: ACM, pp. 1151-1155. ISBN 9781450300629.


Hayes, Paul and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2009) Text Messaging to Improve Instructor Immediacy and its Role in Multiplatform E-Learning Systems. In: Multiplatform E-Learning Systems and Technologies: Mobile Devices for Ubiquitous ICT-Based Education. IGI Global. ISBN 9781605667034.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2009) Assessing Power Saving Techniques and Their Impact on E-learning Users. In: CIICT 2009 : Proceedings of the China-Ireland Information and Communications Technologies Conference. Maynooth: NUI Maynooth, pp. 181-187. ISBN 9780901519672.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2009) Personalisation of the multimedia content delivered to mobile device users. In: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 2009. BMSB '09. IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781424425914.

Molnar, Andreea Maria and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2009) Performance aware and cost oriented Adaptive e-Learning framework. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Learning. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), pp. 255-262. ISBN 9789728924836.

Molnar, Andreea Maria, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Cristea, Alexandra I. (2009) Reusable Quality of Experience aware Adaptation Strategies for Authoring Adaptive e-Learning.  In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2009. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 3801-3810. ISBN 9781880094761.

Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2009) End-User Quality of Experience-Aware Personalized E-Learning. In: Clarke, S. (ed.) Evolutionary Concepts in End User Productivity and Performance: Applications for Organizational Progress. IGI Global, pp. 281-301. ISBN 9781605661360.

Sheridan, Frances and Lahart, Orla (2009) Using Student Understanding to inform the development of Learning Content.  In: Proceedings, AISHE-C 2009, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, 27-28 Aug 2009. All Ireland Society for Higher Education, 134.1-134.6.

Stynes, Paul, O'Sullivan, Declan and Conlan, Owen (2009) Simulation-based Communication Tool: an Enabler for Collaborative Decision Making. In: Pre-Proceedings of the Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2009).


Igbrue, Claudia and Pathak, Pramod (2008) A framework for Creating Multiple Intelligences Informed Content for e-learning. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1657-1666. ISBN 9781880094662.

Lahart, Orla, Kelly, Declan and Tangney, Brendan (2008) Development of a Dual User Adaptive Education System.  In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 1768-1778. ISBN 9781880094655.

Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2008) End-User Quality of Experience-Aware Personalized E-Learning. In: Pahl, C. (ed.) Architecture Solutions for E-Learning Systems. IGI Global, pp. 154-174. ISBN 9781599046334.


Gena, C. & Weibelzahl, S. (2007) Usability Engineering for the Adaptive Web. In: P. Brusilovsky, A. Kobsa, W. Nejdl (eds.). The Adaptive Web: Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321 (© Springer), pp. 720-762. Berlin: Springer. 

Lahart, Orla, Kelly, Declan and Tangney, Brendan (2007) P. A. C. T. - Coaching the Parent in Home Tutoring Best Practice.  In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 7205-7212. ISBN 9781880094631.

Lahart, Orla (2007) Towards Personalised Support for Home Tutors: Identification of Tutoring Rules.  In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 2864-2870. ISBN 9781880094624.

Lahart, Orla, Kelly, Declan and Tangney, Brendan (2007) Tutoring Strategies to facilitate positive emotional states during home tutoring.  In: Workshop on Modeling and Scaffolding Affective Experiences to Impact Learning : Supplementary Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 07). School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex, pp. 85-93.

Moebs, S. and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2007). ‘Blended Learning: Towards a Mix for SMEs - Stakeholders and their Priorities’ in Fong, J. and Wang F.L. (eds), Blended Learning, Prentice Hall, Singapore. 


Collins-Hughes, Edward Robert and Pathak, Pramod (2006) E-learning with Chinese learners: A model for Western service providers in this important marketplace.  In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1603-1610. ISBN 9781880094600.

Hayes, Paul, Janetzko, Dietmar and Hall, Timothy (2006) On the Role of Mobile Scaffolding in Learning. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: Applications, Technology and Social Issues (ICUC)., pp. 129-133.

Lahart, Orla, Kelly, Declan and Tangney, Brendan (2006) P.A.C.T. - Scaffolding Best Practice in Home Tutoring.  In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4053). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 615-624. ISBN 9783540351603.

Maher, Elaine, Pathak, Pramod and Cooke, Mary (2006) Investigation of the awareness, Role and Future of Digital Libraries in an educational context. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1674-1679. ISBN 9781880094600.

Muntean, Cristina Hava and McManis, Jennifer (2006) Fine grained content-based adaptation mechanism for providing high end-user quality of experience with adaptive hypermedia systems. In: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web. New York: ACM, pp. 53-62. ISBN 1595933239.

Muntean, Cristina Hava and McManis, Jennifer (2006) The Value of QoE-Based Adaptation Approach in Educational Hypermedia: Empirical Evaluation. In: Wade, V. P., Ashman, H. and Smyth, B. (eds.) Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4018). Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 121-130. ISBN 9783540346975.

Rovcanin, Lejla, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2006) Performance Enhancement for Open Corpus Adaptive Hypermedia Systems. In: Wade, V. P., Ashman, H. and Smyth, B. (eds.) Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4018). Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 462-466. ISBN 9783540346975.


Beere, Rosalind and McNamara, Peter (2005) Abrakebabra.  In: Irish cases in entrepreneurship. Blackrock: Blackhall Publishing, pp. 87-100. ISBN 1842180878.

Beere, Rosalind and McNamara, Peter (2005) Abrakebabra : Surviving the Franchisee Revolt. In: Strategy : analysis and practice : text and cases. London: McGraw Hill, C407-C417. ISBN 0077107063.

Hayes, Paul, Pathak, Pramod, Joyce, David and Hall, Timothy (2005) Mobile learning as Technology-Mediated Education : An 'Activity' Approach. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), pp. 231-235. ISBN 9728939027.

Lahart, Orla (2005) An ITS that provides positive feedback for Beginning Violin Students.  In: Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology. IOS Press, Amsterdam, p. 964. ISBN 1586035304.


Hayes, Paul, Joyce, David and Bergwall, Therese (2004) Adaptation of a Learning Portal for Mobile Access. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2004. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1927-1932. ISBN 9781880094549.

Hayes, Paul, Joyce, David and Pathak, Pramod (2004) Ubiquitous Learning - An Application of Mobile Technology in Education. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2004. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1811-1816. ISBN 9781880094532.

Lahart, Orla and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2004) Music Matters an ITS for Violin students.  In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2004. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 1662-1666. ISBN 9781880094549.


Armendariz, Fabian and Murray, John A. (2003) Exploring the Consequences of eHealth. In Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management. MCIL: Reading. ISBN 095404889X.


Murray, Karen (1999) Data Protection. In: Practical Employment Law. Dublin: Round Hall Thomson. ISBN 9781858001364.