Published books

The following is a list of published books authored by, or contributed to, by academic staff at National College of Ireland.


Chis, Adriana E. and González-Vélez, Horacio, eds. (2024) 32nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2024. IEEE, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 979-8-3503-6307-4

Kennelly, Ita and Oke, Meera (2024) Academic Skills in Early Childhood Education and Care: Self-Inquiry, Learning and Writing for Students and Practitioners. Springer Texts in Education . Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-031-59570-7

Malone, Tamara and Buckley, Mary (2024) Academic Integrity Starter Guide. National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 978-0-905957-99-9


Hargreaves, April and Maguire, Aine, eds. (2020) Schizophrenia: Triggers and Treatments. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 978-1536169898.


Kolodziej, Joanna and González-Vélez, Horacio (2019) High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11400 . Springer, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030162719.

Muntean, Cristina Hava, Bogusevschi, Diana and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2019) Innovative Technology-based Solutions for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary STEM Education. Paragon Publishing. ISBN 9781782227144.


Kelleher, Denis and Murray, Karen (2018) EU Data Protection Law. Bloomsbury Professional, London. ISBN 9781784515539.


Pop, Florin, Negru, Catalin, González-Vélez, Horacio and Rak, Jacek (2018) 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ISBN 9781538676493




Beere, Rosalind (2017) The Role of Franchising on Industry Evolution: Assessing the Emergence of Franchising and its Impact on Structural Change. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783319490632.


Early Learning Initiative (2017) Building Hope for Brighter Futures. Early Learning Initiative, National College of Ireland, Dublin. ISBN 9780905957364.


Beere, Rosalind (2016) Strategic Management: text and cases: Positioning, Devising and Implementing Effective Strategy. Cengage Learning, Hampshire. ISBN 9781473733312. 


Beere, Rosalind (2015) Franchising : an overview. Oak Tree Press. (In Press).


Beere, Rosalind (2015) Franchising : Theory and Practice. Palgrave Pivot. (In Press).


Del Rosal, Victor (2015) Disruption : Emerging Technologies and the Future of Work. Emtechub, Dublin. ISBN 9781514173947.


Hargreaves, Iain and Hargreaves, April (2015) Coenzyme Q10: From Fact to Fiction. Pharmacology - Research, Safety Testing and Regulation. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781634828413.


Ulster Bank Financial Literacy Programme, edited by Lucy Kinghan (2015) Sailing on the Saving Seas. Early Learning Initiative, National College of Ireland, Dublin. ISBN 0905957350.


Greene, Sheila, Morgan, Mark, McCrory, Cathal and McNally, Sinéad (2014) Growing Up in Ireland: Review of the Literature Pertaining to the Second Wave of Data Collection with the Infant Cohort at Three Years.  Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin.


O'Loughlin, Eugene (2014) Exploring Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way: A Motorcycle Odyssey. Liffey Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781908308559.


Armendariz, Fabian (2013) Strategy and Technology Driven Change: The Case of the Electronic Health Record. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 9783659442315. 


Kehoe, Michele (2013) Make That Grade: Organisational Behaviour. 2nd edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. ISBN 9780717156337. 


Whitston, Colin and Nolan, Jimmy (2012) Privatisation : Robbing the People's Wealth. Trade Union Left Forum, Dublin.


Bleach, Margaret, J. (2010) Parental Involvement in Primary Education in Ireland. Liffey Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781905785797.


O'Loughlin, Eugene (2009) An Introduction to Business Systems Analysis: Problem Solving Techniques and Strategies. Dublin: Liffey Press. ISBN 9781905785612.


Brittain, Jonathan and Daly, P. (2008) Business Management (2nd Edition) Dublin: McKeon Murray Publications.


Kehoe, Michele (2008) Make that grade: organisational behaviour. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. ISBN: 9780717142705.


Kennedy, S., Treanor, D. and O'Grady, M. (2008) DAWN Handbook: Teaching Students with Disabilities: Guidelines for Academic Staff, NAIRTL. 


McCarthy Alma, Grady Geraldine, Darcy Colette and Kirrane, Melrona (2008) Work Life Balance: Policies and Initiatives in Irish Organisations. A Best Practice Management Guide. Cork: Oak tree Press. ISBN 9781904887249. 


Hastings, Tim, Sheehan, Brian and Yeates, Padraig (2007) Saving the Future: How Social Partnership Shaped Ireland's Economic Success. Dublin: Blackhall Publishing. ISBN 9781842181355.


Laurillard, Diana and Hayes Paul (2007) Kaleidoscope Vision document : Shaping the Scientific Evolution of Technology Enhanced Learning. Kaleidoscope Network.


Kelleher, Denis and Murray, Karen (2007) Information technology law in Ireland (2nd edition). Tottel, Haywards Heath. ISBN 9781845921118. 



Kelly, Declan, Weibelzahl, Stephan, O'Loughlin, Eugene, Pathak, Pramod, Sanchez, Inmaculada Arnedillo and Gledhill, Vance (2005) e-Learning research and development roadmap for Ireland. Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Muntean, Gabriel-Miro and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2005) Adaptive Solutions for Information Delivery over IP Networks. Politehnica Publishing House, Romania.


Murray, Karen and Kelleher, Denis (1999) IT Law in the European Union. London: Sweet and Maxwell. ISBN 0421626408.