Find out which business and computing courses include work placement as part of its syllabus below.
School of Business
Students enrolled in one of the below programmes can complete a placement year between the second and third (taught) years of their course. The work placement is a formal and academically accredited element of the degree programme, is graded and worth 60 credits.
School of Business Work Placement Programmes
School of Computing
Undergraduate students undertake a 6 month placement in the second semester of their third year: The placement commences in January/February for 6 months minimum (full-time) and students return to their 4th and final year in September. Students may be available to remain in employment until September if both parties are in agreement.
Postgraduate students undertake a 12-week work placement as part of their programme. Students work four days per week in the company (Mondays to Thursdays), and attend classes one day a week in NCI Fridays).
School of Computing Work Placement Programmes