NCI Pre-Sessional English

The NCI Pre-Sessional English (PSE) programme helps students to build their confidence and better prepare themselves for their studies at NCI and life in Ireland.

The programme will help you to improve your English language ability and English for academic study, to learn and implement the critical learning skills that you must acquire for your success on your programme, and to enhance your learning experience at NCI. You will benefit from the extra time to settle into life in Dublin, Ireland before your studies commence in September.

Content and Format

The PSE Programme will include the following content:

  • English for Academic Purpose
  • Subject related Academic Reading and Writing Skills
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Lectures and Note-taking
  • Social and cultural activities

You will attend classes, carry out independent learning and research as required and participate in social and cultural activities on and off campus. You will have the opportunity to attend guest lectures, in which you will experience different teaching methods and in-class learning activities. You will also have an opportunity to discuss learning styles and your academic expectations with your lecturers.


The programme will run over six weeks. The exact dates will be confirmed and posted closer to the time.

Who can apply?

The course is suitable for students who:

  • meet the academic entry requirements of their programme
  • have an IELTs score of 5.5 if their programme requires a score of 6.0
  • have an IELTs score of 6.0 if their programme requires a score of 6.5


Students will be assessed throughout the PSE programme by means of coursework. At the end of the PSE programme, students  must pass the NCI academic competency assessment before progressing onto their full time programme in September.

Students who already met their language requirement before joining the programme are not required to take the end of programme assessment.


The price of this 6-week course is €1500* and your place on the course is guaranteed only when the full fees are paid. 

*Fees will be revised annually

Foundation Programmes

National College of Ireland accepts students from a number of approved Foundation Programmes.

Please contact us on for more information on these Pathway options.