Students and staff will soon have the opportunity to travel overseas as part of the Erasmus+ Programme.
Students can take advantage of the Erasmus+ Programme at NCI.
Erasmus+ Programme at NCI
National College of Ireland now holds an Erasmus Charter of Higher Education 2021-2027.
Holding this Erasmus Charter allows NCI to participate in all aspects of the Erasmus+ Programme. This empowers our students and staff to experience the opportunity of a lifetime that will broaden horizons both academically and personally.
Over 6 million students have taken part in the Erasmus+ Programme since it was established in 1987. The initiative provides free movement and education exchange between registered universities and institutions for eligible students, with the European Credit Transfer System ensuring that credits earned abroad count towards home-institute qualifications.
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) is the National Agency managing the Erasmus+ programme on behalf of the European Commission in Ireland.
Contact Us
If you have questions about the Erasmus+ Programme at National College of Ireland, please contact our dedicated team: