Information and Resources for Agent Partners

The Agent Resources page is a comprehensive library of knowledge, created specifically for agent partners of National College of Ireland. It provides all the necessary information about NCI, Ireland, Graduate Outcomes, and student stories. Whether you are seeking information about NCI's programmes, the services we offer, or the overall experience of studying at NCI, you will find everything you need on this page. We strive to provide our agent partners with the most up-to-date and relevant information about NCI.

Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is an exciting and life-changing experience. It provides an opportunity to improve language skills, self-knowledge and make connections with people from all around the world. In this section, you will find information on why students should consider studying in Dublin, Ireland and at National College of Ireland.

Studying at NCI

NCI is a non-profit third-level education institution located in Dublin's city centre that offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Business, Computing, Psychology, and Education. This section provides information on the courses international students can study, NCI's awarding body, industry accreditations, and QS Stars.

Application Information

NCI welcomes students from all over the world from 80 different nationalities. This section provides comprehensive information on how international students can apply, including academic and English language requirements, international fees, scholarship opportunities, and more.

Careers & Employability

We prioritise student success post-graduation. With a dedicated Careers Team guiding students from day one, we equip them with skills and direction for a successful career journey. Thanks to our qualifications and outstanding career services, 96% of our graduates secure employment or pursue further studies within just 6 months of graduation. This section includes information on the support the Careers Team provide, graduate employability rates, work visa information and more.

International Student Support

Moving to a new country can be both an exciting and daunting experience. However, the International Office is committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for students. The office provides all the necessary information, support, and guidance to students before they arrive in the country, during their initial few weeks, until their graduation. Our international team received first place in The Education Awards for both 2021 and 2023 for the International Engagement Award, which is a testament to our dedication to providing outstanding student support.

International Forms

The International Quick Links Forms section contains a comprehensive collection of all the forms necessary to assist you in your international student administrative journey, such as scholarships, deferrals, refund requests, and payment transfers. You can easily browse through our selection to quickly find the specific form you need.

International Study Life at NCI

NCI students have unique chance to study in the Heart of Dublin's Capital City, one of the most dynamic in Europe. Besides the Silicon Docks and the Financial District centre, our students can meet employers at their doorstep. Studying abroad is not only a place of career development and opportunity but a place to meet people from all around the world and make long-lasting friendships. In this section, you will find a collection of student life photos, videos, blogs and the chance to chat with our students about student life.

Contact Us
Do you have any questions or would like additional information? Please email our International Office team and we'll be happy to help.