About the Programme
The Stretch Graduate Programme is focused on supporting families with children aged 3.5 years and over who have graduated PC+, Parenting 365 or who have been referred from schools and services from the Dublin inner city. Pathway 1, provides home visits and Pathway 2, provides regular support by phone. As a prevention and intervention programme, Stretch Graduate aims to increase parental skills and confidence regarding their children’s holistic development, enhance positive parenting practices, and parental and family well-being while increasing children’s school readiness, and transitions and building a strong base for long-term life success. Both pathways place equal focus on the needs of the child and the parents in addition to holistic family well-being.
Home Visiting
The Home Visiting pathway of the programme runs for 10 months (September-June) over 3 terms – the minimum dosage is 8/16 weeks/visits.
Families will receive visits every two weeks This will be adjusted according to level of need.
Check-in Calls
The Check-in call pathway of the programme runs for 12 months (July-June) and will be delivered to all the families on the call list.
The families on the Check-in Call list will receive termly phone calls providing guidance, signposting and resources (when requested)
There will be 4 educational family events (e.g. Dental Hygiene, STEM, Sustainability, Christmas) offered to all families engaged in both pathways of the programme.
Contact Us
If you would like further information about the Stretch Graduate Home Visiting Programme, please contact: Programme Coordinator, Ramona Mihalka (086) 7965548 or ramona.mihalka@ncirl.ie