Research & Innovation

Research at National College of Ireland is regarded as a core activity embedded in the academic culture and contributing to the overall mission of the college. Lifelong learning, workplace learning and technology-enhanced learning represent NCI’s historical and current sphere of interest. Within this context, National College of Ireland strives to provide access to quality education at a time, place and pace that meets the learner’s needs.


Research at NCI is spearheaded by the Dean of the School of Business, and the Dean of School of Computing, Dr Paul Stynes. The Director of the Centre for Education and Lifelong Learning at NCI, works with the Deans to support and encourage research and learning innovation at National College of Ireland.

Digital4Business is a pan-European consortium that aims to address the overall objectives of the Digital Europe Programme.
NCI student showing another student a document
ELI Research
The Early Learning Initiative (ELI) recognises action research as a powerful tool for change and improvement at local level and uses this as its primary research methodology.
NCI students walking across the Samuel Beckett bridge in Dublin
Psychology Research
Learn more about the expert psychology team at NCI and the variety of research projects they are currently involved in.
Research Strategy
View and download NCI's Research Strategy 2023-2027.